
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing vertical | all forms | exact matches only
a weld made upwards by vertical position weldingsoudure verticale ayant été exécutée en montant
cast in vertical clamped mouldscouler en presse
coal cutter for vertical channelingrouilleuse
continuous vertical casting processmoulage continu vertical
continuous vertical strip annealingfour continu vertical pour feuillard
crushing mill with vertical runnersbroyeur à meules
double U groove with vertical sideschanfrein en double U
downward welding in the vertical positionsoudage en descendant
fillet weld with vertical leg unintentionally shorter than the horizontal legsoudure d'angle déportée
fillet weld with vertical leg unintentionally shorter than the horizontal legsoudure d'angle affaissée
I-section vertical memberprofil de poteau en I
machining on a vertical boring milltournage sur tour vertical
making a butt weld in the horizontal-vertical positionsoudage en corniche
making a butt weld in the horizontal-vertical positionsoudage horizontal dans un plan vertical
making a fillet weld in the horizontal-vertical positionsoudage en angle a plat
pattern holder with horizontal and vertical movementfouloir porte-segment mobile horizontalement et verticalement
short heat treatment in a vertical shaft furnacetraitement thermique flash dans un four vertical
single U groove with vertical sideschanfrein en U
Söderberg vertical stubanode Söderberg à goujons verticaux
test machine with a horizontal or vertical furnacemachine d'essai à four horizontal ou vertical
to cast in vertical clamped mouldscouler en presse
universal mills have both vertical and horizontal rollsles cages universelles ont à la fois des cylindres verticaux et horizontaux
upward welding in the vertical positionsoudage en montant
vertical air heaterappareil à air chaud vertical
vertical blowersoufflerie verticale
vertical boring and turning lathetour "carrousel"
vertical boring and turning lathetour à plateau horizontal
vertical boring and turning machinetour "carrousel"
vertical boring and turning machinetour vertical
vertical boring and turning machinetour à plateau horizontal
vertical boring and turning milltour vertical
vertical boring and turning milltour "carrousel"
vertical boring and turning milltour à plateau horizontal
vertical boring machinetour "carrousel"
vertical boring machinetour vertical
vertical boring machinetour à plateau horizontal
vertical boring milltour vertical
vertical boring milltour à plateau horizontal
vertical boring milltour "carrousel"
vertical boring milltour
vertical broachingbrochage vertical
vertical castingcoulée verticale
vertical castingcoulée debout
vertical centre spot electrodepointe d electrode centree
vertical centre spot electrodepointe d electrode droite centree
vertical centre spot electrodepointe d electrode a extremite centree
vertical continuous casting machinemachine de coulée continue verticale
vertical continuous casting machinemachine verticale
vertical continuous strand furnacefour continu vertical pour feuillard
vertical cross tube boilerchaudière verticale à bouilleurs transversaux
vertical displacementrejet vertical
vertical drivecommande verticale
vertical edgerlaminoir vertical pour formage de bords
vertical edging rollscylindres verticaux
vertical electrodepointe d electrode droite
vertical faultfaille verticale
vertical furnacefour à cornue
vertical lathetour vertical
vertical liningboisage vertical
vertical milltour vertical
vertical milltour "carrousel"
vertical milltour à plateau horizontal
vertical offset electrodepointe d electrode verticale excentree
vertical offset electrodepointe d electrode droite excentree
vertical offset electrode holdercorps d'électrode coudé à angle droit
vertical pipetuyau vertical
vertical positiondroit
vertical position weldingsoudage vertical
vertical shaftarbre de commande principal
vertical shapermachine à mortaiser
vertical shapermortaiseuse
vertical shaping machinemachine à mortaiser
vertical shaping machinemortaiseuse
vertical sheet-pilingpalplanches vertical es
vertical slottingmortaisage
vertical steam boilerchaudière verticale
vertical stullétai
vertical tensile testing machinemachine opérant des essais de traction verticale
vertical universal milling machinefraiseuse d'outillage
vertical universal milling machinefraiseuse verticale universelle