
Terms containing to grind | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.to emery grind to grind with emerypolir à l'émeri émeriser
chem.to grindrectifier
chem.to grindpolir
chem.to grindbroyer
chem.to grindéroder
chem.to grindmeuler
chem.to grindpulvériser
chem.to grindtriturer
chem.to grindfrotter
construct.to grindaiguiser
construct.to grindémoudre
construct.to grindaffiler
chem.to grindpiler
chem.to grinduser par frottement
chem.to grindmoudre
chem.to grindponcer
chem.to grindroder
chem.to grindaffûter
met.to grind finelypolissage fin
met.to grind roughlypolissage préparatoire
chem.to grind with emerypolir à l'émeri
chem.to grind with emeryroder
met.to smooth to grindmeuler