
Terms containing store | all forms | exact matches only
gen.aircraft storecharge emportée par aéronef
med.appliance storelocal pour attelles
pharma., agric., mech.eng.approved cold storeentrepôt frigorifique agréé
amer.at the back of my storedans mon arrière-boutique
comp., MSauthorization storemagasin d'autorisations (A file containing user and group information used by the Authorization Manager)
work.fl., ITbacking storemémoire auxiliaire
comp., MSbacking storemagasin de stockage (A mass-storage device that serves as backup memory for paging when physical memory is full)
work.fl., ITbacking storemémoire réserve
work.fl., ITbacking storemémoire intermédiaire !
comp.backing storemémoire supplémentaire
comp., MSBDC Metadata StoreMagasin de métadonnées BDC (The collection of XML files, stored in the Business Data Connectivity Service, that contain definitions of models, external content types, and external data sources)
agric.be in storeêtre en magasin
agric.be in storeêtre en cave
med.bed storeentrepôt de lits
commer., fin.big box storegrande surface minimarge
mun.plan., environ.bin storeremise pour les poubelles
mun.plan., environ.bin storelocal à poubelles
comp., MSBizTalk message storebanque de messages BizTalk (A Microsoft SQL Server table that holds all messages and their parts. Consuming orchestrations use the message references contained in the store to dequeue a copy of the message and its properties from the message store)
tech., mater.sc.bonded storemagasin des produits acceptés
fin., transp.bonded store keeperexploitant d'entrepôt
fin., transp.bonded store keeperentreposeur
libr.book storelibrairie (Entreprise qui se spécialise dans la vente de livres au public)
ed.branch storechaîne
ed.branch storesuccursale
IT, tech.buffer storetampon
IT, tech.buffer storemémoire tampon
IT, tech.buffer storemémoire intermédiaire
telecom.buffer storemémoire-tampon
construct.central cold storeréfrigérateur de base
comp., MSCentral Management storeMagasin central de gestion (The central database (one per organization) that contains the data to define, set up, maintain, and administer a deployment, including the deployment topology and user policies)
comp., MScertificate storemagasin de certificats (A permanent storage where certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists are stored. A certificate store can also be temporary when working with session-based certificates)
law, market.chain storeéconomat
econ., market.chain storemagasin à succursales
econ., market.chain storechaine de magasins
econ.chain storemagasin à succursales multiples
ed.chain storechaîne
ed.chain storesuccursale
gen.chain storegrande surface
gen.chain storemagasin à succursales (multiples)
gen.chain storegrand magasin
comp.charge storeaccumulateur de charge
construct.china-set storelocal pour stockage de la vaisselle
comp., MSchunk store containerconteneur de magasin de blocs (A container in which chunks of data are stored and which is then compressed for further space optimization during deduplication)
industr., construct., chem.clay storecave de repos
amer.clothing storemagasin de vêtements
gen.clothing storechaîne d'habillement
chem., el.coal storehangar à charbon
chem., el.coal storeparc à charbon
el.coincident-current storemémoire à coincidence de courant
pack.cold storeentreposage frigorifique
industr.cold storeentrepôt frigorifique
econ.cold storeinstallation frigorifique
gen.cold storearmoire frigorifique
agric., food.ind.cold-store butterbeurre de frigo
mater.sc., mech.eng.cold store combinecomplexe frigorifique
mater.sc., mech.eng.cold store complexcomplexe frigorifique
mater.sc., mech.eng.cold store facilitycomplexe frigorifique
agric.cold store for fruitcentre de réfrigération des fruits
comp., MSCommon RSS Data StoreMagasin de contenu RSS partagé (A common data store which provides a single location where applications can access content that has been downloaded to the PC via RSS, including text, pictures, audio, calendar events, documents and just about anything else. All applications will have access to this content for creating rich user experiences)
comp.common storemémoire commune
gen.computer storemagasin d'informatique
comp.computer store capacitycapacité de mémoire de calculateur
commer.concept storemagasin déclinant un concept
commer.concept storemagasin concept
nat.sc., agric.condemned meat storeentrepôt à viandes condamnées
comp.constant storemémoire à constantes
construct.container store-roomlocal pour stocker le matériel d'emballage
comp.control storemémoire de commande
comp.control storemémoire à microprogrammes
agric.controlled atmosphere fruit storeentrepôt à fruits à atmosphère controlée
econ., commer., polit.convenience store"convenience store"
commer., fin.convenience storeboutique de station service
law, market.convenience storebazarette
construct.cooling plant, cold storeentrepôt frigorifique
construct.cooling plant, cold storefrigorifique
comp.coordinate storemémoire à matrice
ITcoordinate storemémoire à sélection matricielle
comp.coordinate storemémoire à coordonnées
comp.coordinate storemémoire coordonnée
comp.coordinate storemémoire matricielle
el.core storemémoire à tores magnétiques
el.core storemémoire à tores de ferrite
el.core storemémoire à noyau magnétique
el.core storemémoire à ferrites
comp.core store matrixmatrice de mémoire à tores
law, market.corner storemagasin à rayons multiples
law, market.corner storecommerce non-spécialisé
law, market.corner store chainchaîne de magasins populaires
avia., Canada, ITCorporate Data Storemagasin de données d’entreprise
econ.cut-price storemagasin minimarge
ITcyclic storemémoire cyclique
IT, tech.cyclic storemémoire tournante
IT, tech.cyclic storemémoire circulante
comp.cyclic storemémoire circulaire
comp.data storemémoire de données
gen.data store threatdanger pour la mémoire des messages
econ., commer., polit.department store up-marketgrand magasin
econ., market.department storegrand magasin
econ., market.department storemagasin à rayons multiples
econ., market.department storegrand magasin "junior"
construct.department storegaleries
law, market.department storemagasin à rayons
construct.department storemagasin de nouveautés
gen.department store down-marketmagasin à rayons multiples
law, market.departmental storemagasin à rayons
law, market.departmental storegrand magasin
mater.sc., mech.eng.despatching cold storeentrepôt frigorifique de distribution
coal.detonator storedynamitiere a detonateurs
comp.diagnostic storemémoire de diagnostic
comp., MSdirectory storemagasin d'annuaires (The physical storage for Active Directory directory partition replicas on a specific domain controller. The store is implemented using the Extensible Storage Engine)
gen.disc storemémoire à disques
law, market.discount storemaison à rabais
commer.discount storeminimarge
fin.discount storemagasin de discompte
commer.discount storemagasin discompte
commer.discount storediscount
econ.discount storemagasin discount
econ.discount storemagasin minimarge
econ.discount storemagasin-discount
law, market.discount storemaison d'escompte
comp.disk storemémoire à disques
comp.disk store controlcommande de mémoire à disques
gen.DIY storemagasin de bricolage
gen.do-it-yourself storemagasin de bricolage
coal.dynamite storedynamitiere a explosif
construct.earth store yarddépôt des terres
el.electrical storematériel électrique
telecom.electrically alterable storemémoire électriquement modifiable
comp.energy-dependent storemémoire dépendante d’énergie
comp.energy-dependent storemémoire volatile
comp.energy-dependent storemémoire dépendante d'énergie
comp.energy-independent storemémoire indépendante d’énergie
comp.energy-independent storemémoire non volatile
comp.energy-independent storemémoire indépendante d'énergie
nat.res.environmental protection storeposte de stockage pour la protection de l'environnement
agric.environmentally controlled fruit storeentrepôt à fruits à atmosphère controlée
lawex-store contractcontrat à l'entrepôt
lawex-store contractcontrat de vente à l'entrepôt
lawex-store contractvente à l'entrepôt
lawex-store contractcontrat
comp., MSExchange storebanque d'informations Exchange (A storage platform that provides a single repository for managing multiple types of unstructured information in one infrastructure. The Exchange store combines the features and functionality of the file system, the Web, and a collaboration server (such as Microsoft Exchange) through a single, URL-addressable location for storing, accessing, and managing information, as well as building and running applications. The Exchange store is also known as the Web Storage System)
coal.explosive storedepot d'explosifs
mil.explosives storemagasin d'explosifs
gen.explosives storedépôt d'explosifs
comp., MSexpression storebanque d'expressions (The tables in a Commerce Server database that store expression information)
comp., MSfact storebanque de faits (The database that stores information, including role and attributes, about actors. The fact store also provides hierarchy navigation so that actions can determine the relative positions of actors within an organization)
comp., MSfact store managergestionnaire de la banque de faits (The component that retrieves the fact information from the various FactRetriever objects)
agric.feedstuff storemagasin à fourrages
el.ferrite storemémoire magnétique
el.ferrite-core storemémoire magnétique
nat.res.fertilizer storemagasin d'engrais (house)
nat.res.fertilizer storedépôt d'engrais (house)
comp.file storemémoire de fichier
comp.file storemémoire à fichier
fin.financial department storesupermarché financier
construct.finished products storemagasin des produits finis
comp.fixed data storemémoire à valeurs fixes
econ., market.fixed-price storemagasin à prix uniques
econ., market.fixed-price storemonoprix
econ.fixed-price storemagasin à prix unique
avia., Canada, tech.Flight Component Data Storemagasin de données d’éléments de vol
avia., Canada, tech.Flight Data Storemagasin de données de vol
construct.food storemagasin de comestibles
agric.food storemagasin à fourrages
agric.food storecambuse
comp.frame storezone de mémoire d'image
comp.frame storemémoire supplémentaire d'écran
comp.frame storetampon d'image
comp.freeing of storelibération de l'emplacement de mémoire
mater.sc., mech.eng.frozen food storeentrepôt pour produits congelés
agric.fruit cold storecentre de réfrigération des fruits
agric.fruit storefruiterie
agric.fruit storefruitier
comp., MS, CanadaGames Storemagasin Jeux (The service on the phone where you can purchase and download games)
comp., MSGames StoreBoutique Jeux (The service on the phone where you can purchase and download games)
agric.garlic cold storecellule frigorifique pour la conservation des aulx
agric., mater.sc.gas storechambre à atmosphère controlée
construct.general self-service storeself-service
UN, tech.general storefournitures générales
agric., mater.sc., chem.general storemagasin général
fin., transp.goods placed in temporary storemarchandise placé en dépôt temporaire
agric.grain storesilo céréalier
agric.grain storeentrepôt à céréales
amer.grocery storemagasin d'alimentation
industr., construct.hardware storequincaillerie
gen.have a surprise in store for somebodypréparer une surprise à (quelqu'un)
el.heterogeneous water-pebble storestockage hétérogène eau-pierre
mater.sc., mech.eng.high rise storeentrepôt à chambres très hautes
comp., MSholdout storebanque d'exclusion (The data mining structure that is used to cache the holdout data. It contains references to the holdout data)
agric., mater.sc.hop storemagasin à houblon
amer.I bought it from a leather goods storeje l'ai acheté chez un maroquinier
telecom.identification storesauvegarde de l'identification
comp., MSidentity storemagasin d'identités (An area on a computer where identities are stored)
comp., MSimage storemagasin d'images (The repository where Windows image files used for deployment are stored)
commer., polit.in-store, afloat or for shipmenten entrepôt, flottant ou en embarquement
construct.industrial cold storeréfrigérateur industriel
mater.sc., mech.eng.inflatable cold storechambre froide gonflable
telecom.information storeenregistreur d'appel et de numérotation
energ.ind., nucl.phys.interim spent fuel storeinstallation de stockage intérimaire
gen.intermediaries which wrap, package, store or put into circulation additivesintermédiaires qui conditionnent, emballent, stockent ou mettent en circulation des additifs
agric.intervention storemagasin d'intervention
amer.jewelry storehorlogerie (bijouterie)
chem.Keep/Store away from clothing/…/combustible materials.Tenir/stocker à l'écart des vêtements/…/matières combustibles
fin.Large store sector associationAssociation nationale des grandes entreprises de la distribution
econ., market.large surface storemagasin de grande surface
econ., market.large surface storegrande surface
coal.licensed storedepot d'explosifs
med.linen storeentrepôt de linge
comp.local storemémoire locale
el.magnetic core storemémoire à tores
el.magnetic core storemémoire à noyau magnétique
el.magnetic core storemémoire à tores de ferrite
el.magnetic core storemémoire à tores magnétiques
el.magnetic core storemémoire à ferrites
work.fl.magnetic drum storemémoire à tambours magnétiques
comp.magnetic wire storemémoire à fils magnétiques
comp.magnetic-card storemémoire à cartes magnétiques
comp.magnetic-film storemémoire à film magnétique
comp., MSmailbox storebanque de boîtes aux lettres (A database for storing mailboxes in Exchange Server. Mailbox stores store data that is private to an individual and contain mailbox folders generated when a new mailbox is created for an individual. A mailbox store consists of a rich-text, .edb file, as well as a streaming native Internet content .stm file)
comp.main storemémoire principale
construct.maize-storedépôt à mais
nat.res.manure storesilo de lisier
nat.res.manure storeréservoir de lisier
construct.materials storedépôt des matériaux
comp.matrix storemémoire à matrice
comp.matrix storemémoire à coordonnées
comp.message storemémorisation des messages
work.fl., ITmicrofiche storestockage sur microfiches
work.fl., ITmicrofilm storestockage sur microfilms
work.fl., ITmicrofilm storemémoire sur microfilms
work.fl., ITmicroform storestockage sur microformes
comp.microprogram storemémoire à microprogrammes
industr., construct., chem.mixed batch storeréserve de composition
comp., MSmodel storemagasin de modèles (A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored)
construct.mud storeréservoir de boue
econ., market.multiple storechaine de magasins
econ., market.multiple storemagasin à succursales
econ., market.multiple storegrand magasin
gen.multiple storemagasin à succursales (multiples)
mater.sc., mech.eng.multi-purpose cold storeentrepôt frigorifique polyvalent
mater.sc., mech.eng.multi-storey cold storeentrepôt frigorifique à étages
avia., CanadaNAV CANADA Online Storemagasin en ligne
avia., CanadaNAV CANADA Online Storemagasin en ligne de NAV CANADA
IT, tech.n-core-per-bit storemémoire à n tores par élément binaire
comp.nesting storecave
comp.nesting storemémoire d'empilage
comp.nesting storemémoire d’encastrement
comp.nesting storemémoire-cave
comp.nesting storepile
comp., MS.NET APIs for Windows Store appsAPI .NET pour applications Windows Store (The subset of .NET APIs that can be used to develop Windows Store apps)
mater.sc., mech.eng.nursery cold storechambre froide à plants
comp.one-level storemémoire à un niveau
econ., market.one-price storemonoprix
fin.one-price storemagasin à prix unique
econ., market.one-price storemagasin à prix uniques
agric.onion storeentrepôt à oignons
avia., CanadaOnline Storemagasin en ligne
fin., commun.online storeboutique virtuelle
fin., commun.online storemagasin virtuel
fin., commun.online storemagasin électronique
fin., commun.online storecyberboutique
avia., CanadaOnline Storemagasin en ligne de NAV CANADA
comp.operating storemémoire de travail
telecom.path selection storemémoire de sélection de route
met.pattern storemagasin de modèles
work.fl., ITperipheral storemémoire périphérique
comp., MSpersistence storemagasin de persistance (A set of database tables that store workflow instance state and workflow instance metadata)
comp., MSpersonal storemagasin personnel (A certificate store associated with an individual user)
hobby, agric.pet storemagasin d'animaux de compagnie
hobby, agric.pet storeanimalerie
hobby, agric.pet storemagasin d'animaux d'ornement
comp., MSphysical storebase physique (The physical databases that comprise the Data Warehouse)
med.physiological loss of endogenous storeperte physiologique de réserve endogène
IT, tech.plated wire storemémoire à fil magnétique
construct.port cold storeentrepôt frigorifique de port
mater.sc., mech.eng.port cold storeentrepôt frigorifique portuaire
gen.post-test storerésultat du test de rappel
gen.post-test storerésultat du test de contrôle
agric.price delivered storeprix rendu organisme de stockage
agric.price on leaving the cold storeprix départ entrepôt frigorifique
industr.private cold storeentrepôt frigorifique privé
construct.production cold storeentrepôt frigorifique industriel
construct.production cold storeentrepôt frigorifique industriel des stockages
comp., MSproperty storebanque de propriétés (The table of properties and their values used and maintained by the Search service)
comp., MSProperty StoreBibliothèque de propriétés (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
chem.Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.Protéger du rayonnement solaire. Stocker dans un endroit bien ventilé.
med.protein storedépôt protidique
mater.sc., mech.eng.public cold storeentrepôt frigorifique public
comp.pushdown storepile LIFO directe
comp.pushdown storeliste refoulée
comp.pushdown storeliste inverse
comp.pushdown storeliste LIFO
gen.pylon store adaptercheminée universelle
gen.pylon store adaptorcheminée universelle
tech., mater.sc.quarantine storemagasin de quarantaine
gen.quartermaster-storemagasin d'intendance
earth.sc.radioactive waste storebâtiment de stockage des déchets radioactifs
telecom.recording storemémoire d'enregistrement
agric.refrigerated storechambre froide
agric.refrigerated storechambre frigorifique
mun.plan., environ.refuse storeremise pour les poubelles
mun.plan., environ.refuse storelocal à poubelles
telecom.register storemémoire de registre
telecom.relay storemémoire à relais
fin., agric.release from storedéstockage
comp.removable disk pack storedispositif à disque interchangeable
comp., MSresults storemagasin de résultats (A location on a Windows Assessment Services computer where job results files are stored. For the Windows Assessment Console, see results library)
commer.retail storemagasin de détail
comp., MSRFID storebanque de données RFID (The database that stores settings related to BizTalk RFID, such as device information and processes)
telecom.route selection storemémoire de sélection de route
el.scratch-pad storemémoire bloc-note
el.scratch-pad storemémoire auxiliaire
work.fl., ITsecondary storemémoire intermédiaire !
work.fl., ITsecondary storemémoire auxiliaire
work.fl., ITsecondary storemémoire réserve
work.fl., ITsecondary storemémoire additionnelle
comp., MSSecure Store ServiceService Banque d'informations sécurisé (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)
construct.self-service storemagasin à libre service
construct.self-service storemagasin à self-service
econ.self-service storelibre-service
gen.self-service storemagasin en libre-service
gen.set great store byfaire grand cas de
amer.shoe-store ownermarchand de chaussures
comp., MSSingle Instance Store A component that saves disk space on the server by maintaining a single physical copy of all identical files found. If SIS finds a duplicate file on the server, it copies the original file into the SIS store and leaves a link where the original resided. This technology is used only with Remote Installation ServicesSIS (Single-Instance-Store)
mater.sc., mech.eng.single storey cold storeentrepôt frigorifique à un seul niveau
comp.slave storemémoire esclave
nat.res.slurry storesilo de lisier
nat.res.slurry storeréservoir de lisier
agric.slurry storecuve à boues de liquides
energ.ind., industr.solar storecuve de stockage
energ.ind., industr.solar storecuve
energ.ind., industr.solar storeréservoir accumulateur
energ.ind., industr.solar storeballon de stockage
commer.specialist storegrande surface spécialisée
mater.sc., mech.eng.specialized cold storeentrepôt frigorifique spécialisé
brit.sporting goods storemagasin d'articles de sport
comp., MSSQL Server Store for Office ApplicationsSQL Server Store pour les applications Office (A SQL Server feature that enables storage of data from an Office application on a SQL server)
telecom.station storemémoire de station
el.store-Amémorisation de A
fin.store accountscomptes de matériel
comp.store addressadresse de stockage
telecom.store and forward switched networkréseau à commutation de messages
comp.store and forward transfertransfert avec stockage intermédiaire
telecom.store-and-forward principlesystème avec mémorisation intermédiaire
comp., MSstore-and-forward replicationréplication différée (A replication model, used by Active Directory, in which changes are not sent directly from one domain controller to all other domain controllers. Instead, a system of replication partners is created automatically by the system, taking advantage of the existing connections. Replication through neighboring systems is also called transitive replication)
comp.store-and-forward switchingcommunication de messages
anim.husb.store animalsanimaux maigres
comp., MSstore areasecteur de stockage (A section of a warehouse used for inventory items with similar characteristics, such as an input area for items when they are received in inventory)
chem.Store at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F.Stocker à une température ne dépassant pas … °C/… °F.
chem.Store at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F. Keep cool.Stocker à une température ne dépassant pas … °C/… °F. Tenir au frais.
chem.Store away from other materials.Stocker à l'écart des autres matières.
comp.store bankbanc de mémoire
comp.store bankbanque de mémoire
fin.store brandenseigne du magasin
agric.store buildingsbâtiments pour récoltes et provisions
agric.store buildingslocaux de stockage
agric.store buildingsbâtiments de conservation
chem.Store bulk masses greater than … kg/… lbs at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F.Stocker les quantités en vrac de plus de … kg/… lb à une température ne dépassant pas … °C/… °F.
agric.store calfveau rose
agric.store calfveau blanc
comp.store capacitycapacité de mémoire
comp.store capacitygrandeur de mémoire
comp.store capacitytaille de mémoire
fin.store cardcarte accréditive
fin.store cardcarte privative
gen.store carriertransport de matériel et de vivres
agric.store cattlejeune bovin maigre
agric.store cattlebovins maigres
anim.husb.store cattleanimal d'embouche
agric.store cattlebovins maigres de race à viande
med.store cattlebétail maigre
mater.sc., mech.eng.store contentschargement d'une chambre
chem.Store contents under …Stocker le contenu sous …
gen.store cupboardarmoire à provisions
industr., construct.store curtainrideau de magasin
industr., construct.store curtainrideau de dentelle
comp., MSstore driverpilote de banque d'informations (A software component of the Hub Transport Server that delivers inbound messages to Exchange stores, the databases that contain public folder and mailbox stores. The store driver is also responsible for retrieving messages from a user's outbox and submitting it for delivery)
comp.store durationdurée de mémorisation
comp.store durationdurée de mise en mémoire
comp.store erasingeffaçage de mémoire
agric.store feedingalimentation de subsistance
agric.store for maturing winechai de vieillissement
agric.store for maturing winecave de vieillissement de vins
met.store for slabshalle à brames
met.store for slabsdépot à brames
med.store for sterile materialsentrepôt pour matériel stérile
agric.store framecadre à vivres
agric.store framecadre à miel
empl.store handmanutentionnaire
gen.Store handlingManutention
gen.store hoursheures d'ouverture
chem.Store in a closed container.Stocker dans un récipient fermé.
gen.store in a cool place’‘ ne pas exposer à la chaleur’
gen.store in a cool place’‘ craint à la chaleur’
chem.Store in a dry place.Stocker dans un endroit sec.
chem.Store in a dry place. Store in a closed container.Stocker dans un endroit sec. Stocker dans un récipient fermé.
chem.Store in a well-ventilated place.Stocker dans un endroit bien ventilé.
chem.Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.Stocker dans un endroit bien ventilé. Maintenir le récipient fermé de manière étanche.
chem.Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.Stocker dans un endroit bien ventilé. Tenir au frais.
chem.Store in corrosive resistant/… container with a resistant inner liner.Stocker dans un récipient résistant à la corrosion/récipient en ... avec doublure intérieure résistant à la corrosion.
agric.store in the groundmettre en terre
ed.store informationstocker des informations
econ., lab.law.store keepergarcon de magasin
telecom.store keysenderclavier à mémoire
agric.store lambagneau d'engraissement
chem.Store locked up.Garder sous clef.
comp., MSStore ManagerGestionnaire de magasin (A feature that provides an e-commerce solution that enables you to set up and customize your own online storefront for selling products online)
agric.to store manuremettre le fumier en tas
construct.Store-Norfors tie rodancre Store-Norfors
construct.Store-Norfors tie rodancre SN
fin.store of valueréserve de pouvoir d'achat
fin.store of valueréserve de valeur
gen.store only if stabilizedstocker seulement une fois stabilisé
agric.store or feeder cattlejeune bétail maigre ou à l'engraissage
agric.store pigcoureur
agric.store pignourrain
agric.store pigporc coureur
agric.store pig for breedingporc coureur destiné à la reproduction
law, ITstore protectionprotection mémoire
law, ITstore protectionprotection de mémoire
construct.store roomdépôt
construct.store roomdécharge
construct.store roommagasin
construct.store roomdébarras
econ., mater.sc.store room equipmentéquipement de la réserve
comp., MSstore schema definition languageStore Schema Definition Language (An XML-based language that is used to define the entity types, associations, entity containers, entity sets, and association sets of a storage model, often corresponding to a database schema)
agric., construct.store shedhangar de stockage
mater.sc.store shedmagasin
comp.store sizecapacité de mémoire
comp.store sizegrandeur de mémoire
comp.store sizetaille de mémoire
agric.store sockjeune bovin maigre
gen.store something in a cold placeconserver quelque chose au froid
comp.store spacevolume de mémoire
comp.store spaceespace de mémoire
med.store stockbétail maigre
met.store tankréservoir
comp.store throughmémoriser avec écriture dans un tampon intermédiaire
gen.store traffictrafic
health., agric.to store under customs controlstocker sous contrôle douanier
lawstore-within-store franchise contractcontrat de franchise corner
lawstore-within-store franchise contractcontrat de corner
comp., MSstore zonezone de stockage (A classification of store areas. Store zones provide a way to order and prioritize store areas for items as they arrive in inventory)
construct.strip storemagasin en rangée
construct.strip storemagasin en bande
telecom.subscriber storemémoire d'abonné
HRSupermarket/Store ManagementGestion de magasins/supermarchés
gen.supplies in store or in the yardsapprovisionnements en magasins ou dans les parcs
comp., MSsymbol storemagasin de symboles (A collection of indexed symbol files, which are debug (.dbg) or program database (.pdb) files that contain debugging information for Windows-based applications. This store is used by debuggers to retrieve debugging information associated with product releases. All symbols can be stored on the same symbol server and retrieved without having to know the associated product names, releases, or build numbers)
el.telex store-and-forward unitunité d'enregistrement et de retransmission télex
el.telex store-and-forward unitUER télex
cust.temporary storedépôt temporaire
gen.the fate in store for somebodyla destinée de (quelqu'un)
gen.the fate in store for somethingla destinée de (quelque chose)
gen.there was a nasty surprise in store for herune mauvaise surprise l'attendait
gen.there's trouble in store for herles ennuis la guettent
agric., mater.sc.time of taking into storemoment du stockage
chem.to storestocker
chem.to storeentreposer
met.to storeaccumuler
chem.to storeintercaler
chem.to storedéposer
chem.to storeconserver
chem.to storeemmagasiner
chem.to store upentasser
chem.to store upverser sur
amer.tobacco storedébit de tabac
industr., construct., chem.toxic materials storemagasin des produits toxiques
comp., MStrusted publisher storebanque d'éditeurs approuvés (A list of software publisher certificates used to digitally sign code, such as macros. Because you explicitly trust the software publishers, their code is allowed to run on your computer without needing to prompt for permission)
agric.urine storecuve à urine
econ., market.variety storemagasin populaire
gen.variety storemagasin à prix unique
construct.vegetable store unitentrepôt de légumes
fin., commun.virtual storemagasin électronique
fin., commun.virtual storecyberboutique
fin., commun.virtual storemagasin virtuel
fin., commun.virtual storeboutique virtuelle
industr.vitrified product storeaire de stockage de produits vitrifiés
el.volatile storemémoire volatile
gen.what does the future have in store for us?que nous réserve l'avenir?
humor.what exciting things lie in store for us today?quel est le programme des réjouissances?
gen.what's in store for Tintin? find out in our next issue!que va-t-il arriver à Tintin? pour le savoir, lisez notre prochain numéro!
comp., MS, CanadaWindows Phone StoreMagasin Windows Phone (The online store where users can learn about and download apps, games, music, videos, and podcasts for their Windows Phone. Users can use the Store on their phones or on the web at windowsphone.com)
comp., MSWindows Property StoreBibliothèque de propriétés Windows (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
comp., MSWindows Software Development Kit for Windows Store AppsKit de développement logiciel Windows pour les applications du Windows Store (An SDK that contains everything for a developer to create an app for the Windows Store. It is a subset of the complete Windows SDK. This allows developers to stick with APIs that are safe for applications that would appear in the Store and are focused towards core app scenarios)
comp., MSWindows Store appapplication du Windows Store (An app that runs on the new Windows platform and meets the criteria for onboarding to the Windows Store)
comp., MSWindows Store app built for Windows using C++ orapplication du Windows Store pour Windows utilisant C++ ou C (A Windows Store app written in C++ or C that uses standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can participate in the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps)
comp., MSWindows Store app built for Windows using JavaScriptapplication du Windows Store pour Windows utilisant JavaScript (A Windows Store app that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can use the standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can leverage the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps. These apps use CSS for their visual styling with Windows UI controls to create a native look and feel)
comp., MSWindows Store app developmentdéveloppement d'applications du Windows Store (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
comp., MSWindows Store app referenceréférence pour applications du Windows Store (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)
comp., MSWindows Store dashboardTableau de bord du Windows Store (The service run by the Windows Store team that supports the end-to-end process for registering Windows Store developers and onboarding apps into the Windows Store catalog)
comp., MSWindows Store developer accountcompte de développeur du Windows Store (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
comp., MSWindows Store device appapplication pour périphériques du Windows Store (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)
tech.wine and spirits storechai
el.word-ordered storemémoire organisée en paroles
comp., MS, CanadaXbox Music StoreMagasin Xbox Music (The area of Xbox Live where music is sold)
agric., mater.sc.yeast storecave à levure
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