
Terms for subject Veterinary medicine containing stomach | all forms | exact matches only
acute distension of the stomachsurcharge gastrique dilatatio ventriculi acuta
acute distension of the stomachdilatation aiguë de l'estomac dilatatio ventriculi acuta
acute distension of the stomachindigestion stomacale dilatatio ventriculi acuta
fourth stomachquatrième estomac
globular stomach wormtétramérose Tetramera americana
large stomach wormstrongle contourné Haemonchus contortus
red stomach worm of swinever gastrique rouge du porc Hyostrongylus rubidus
stomach contentcontenu stomacal
stomach worm disease of cattlestrongylose gastro-intestinale
stomach worm disease of cattleostertagiose bovine
thick stomach worm of swinegastrite parasitaire du porc Physocephalus sexalatus
twisted stomach wormstrongle contourné Haemonchus contortus