
Terms for subject Microsoft containing static | all forms | exact matches only
static adapteradaptateur statique (An adapter that uses the user interface provided by the adapter framework)
static analysisanalyse statique (The analysis of the source or object code of a program without executing the code. Typically the analysis is designed to detect errors)
static bindingliaison statique (Binding (converting symbolic addresses in the program to storage-related addresses) that occurs during program compilation or linkage)
static buffermémoire tampon statique (A secondary sound buffer that contains an entire sound. Typically it is filled with data only once)
static controlcontrôle statique (" A Web Parts control that is part of the declarative "page persistence" markup in an .aspx page; it exists only as part of the .aspx page, not in a personalization store like a dynamic Web Parts control. Unlike a dynamic control, a static control is added to an .aspx page on every request. A static Web Parts control is always a shared control, which means that although users can both personalize and "close" the control when the page is in either shared or user scope, the control can never be permanently deleted.")
static cursorcurseur statique (A cursor that shows the result set exactly as it was at the time the cursor was opened)
static dialog boxboîte de dialogue statique (A scripted dialog box between the client computer and an intermediary device. This kind of dialog box requires no response from the user)
static IP addressadresse IP statique (The permanent address of a computer on the Internet, assigned by an ISP. However, because of a shortage of IP address numbers, ISPs sometimes favor assigning dynamic IP addresses instead)
static load balancingéquilibrage de charge statique (The process of manually moving a group between nodes to balance the load across the nodes)
static membershipappartenance statique (A group in which the membership is determined by an attribute of the group resource that lists all the group's members)
static methodméthode statique (A method that is not invoked on an instance of an object)
static pagepage statique (A Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page that is prepared in advance of a request for it and that is sent to the client upon request. This page takes no special action when it is requested)
static pictureimage statique (A snapshot of information, often from another document or program, that is not linked to the document or program in which the information was created)
static propertypropriété statique (A property that is common to all instances of an object)
static RAMRAM statique (A form of semiconductor memory (RAM) based on the logic circuit known as a flip-flop, which retains information as long as there is enough power to run the device. Static RAM is usually reserved for use in caches)
static reportrapport statique (An Excel workbook that contains no matrices. Essentially a snapshot of data at the point in time of creation)
static resourceressource statique (A device resource that cannot be configured or relocated. The resource can include interrupt request (IRQ) signals, direct memory access (DMA) channels, input/output (I/O) port addresses, and memory addresses)
static routerrouteur statique (A router with manually configured routing tables. A network administrator, with knowledge of the internetwork topology, manually builds and updates the routing table, programming all routes in the routing table. Static routers can work well for small internetworks but do not scale well to large or dynamically changing internetworks due to their manual administration)
static routingroutage statique (Routing limited to fixed routing tables, as opposed to dynamically updated routing tables)
static row filterfiltre de lignes statique (A filter available for all types of replication that allows you to restrict the data replicated to a Subscriber based on a WHERE clause)
static sound buffermémoire tampon de son statique (A section of memory that contains a complete sound. These buffers are convenient because the entire sound can be written once to the buffer)
static structure diagramdiagramme de structure statique (A diagram that shows the static structure of a model; that is, the elements that exist (such as classes and types), the internal structure of the elements, and their relationships to one another)
static text fieldchamp de texte statique (A standard Windows control used for instructions, control labels, and all text that the user doesn't need to horizontally scroll, edit, or select. Compare text box)
static virtual device driverpilote de périphérique virtuel statique (A virtual device driver (VxD) that is statically loaded during system startup. A static VxD can be loaded in a number of different ways, including device enumeration by the Plug and Play (PnP)static device enumerator)
static VxDVxD statique (A virtual device driver (VxD) that is statically loaded during system startup. A static VxD can be loaded in a number of different ways, including device enumeration by the Plug and Play (PnP)static device enumerator)
static Web Partcomposant WebPart statique (A Web Part that is added to a Web page (.aspx file) and that is not in a Web Part zone)