
Terms for subject Environment containing southern | all forms | exact matches only
Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin TunaCommission pour la conservation du thon rouge du sud
Drought Emergency in Southern AfricaAlerte à la sécheresse en Afrique australe
El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomenonphénomène d'oscillation climatique austral du Niño
research project on the eutrophication of the southern North Seaprogramme Phaeocystis
research project on the eutrophication of the southern North Seaprogramme de recherche sur l'eutrophisation de la partie méridionale de la mer du Nord
Southern Africa A geographic region of the African continent astride the Tropic of Capricorn, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and also the Kalahari Desert, Zambezi River and Orange RiverAfrique du Sud
Southern Asia A geographic region of the Asian continent bordered in the north by the countries of Central Asia and in the south by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, extending westward into Iran and eastward into China, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan and Sri LankaAsie du Sud
Southern AsiaAsie du Sud
southern black-throated finchdiamant à bavette (Poephila cincta cincta)
southern elephant-sealéléphant de mer (Mirounga leonina)
Southern flying squirrelpetit polatouche (Glaucomys volans)
southern lightsaurore australe (aurora australis)
southern lightslueurs australes (aurora australis)
southern ozone holetrou antarctique
southern ozone holetrou d'ozone antarctique
southern ozone holetrou d'ozone austral
southern ozone holetrou austral
southern ozone holetrou d'ozone du pôle Sud
southern painted storktantale blanc (Mycteria cinerea)
Southern river otterloutre du Chili (Lontra provocax)
southern sea otter or California sea otterloutre de mer Californie (Enhydra lutris nereis)