
Terms containing self-services | all forms | in specified order only
gen.a lot of petrol pumps are self-servicebeaucoup de pompes à essence sont en self-service
social.sc., food.ind.free-flow self-service restaurantdistribution éclatée
social.sc., food.ind.free-flow self-service restaurantbuffet multipoint
construct.general self-service shopself-service
construct.general self-service storeself-service
polit.International Self-Service OrganisationAssociation internationale du libre service
construct.large self-service foodstoreself-service (dit "universam")
construct.large self-service foodstoremagasin universel
patents.restaurants and self-service restaurant servicesservices de restaurants et de restaurants self-service
comp., MSself servicelibre service (A service that an employee can complete independently, such as completing an online address change form)
agric.self service pendulum feedernourrisseur à pendule à la demande
transp., mil., grnd.forc.self service stationstation libre-service
transp.self service ticket cancelling machineoblitérateur automatique pour libre service
transp.self service ticket vending machinedistributeur automatique pour libre-service
transp.self-drive car hire serviceservice de location de voitures sans chauffeur
transp.self-drive car-hire serviceservice de voitures sans chauffeur
transp.self-drive car-hire serviceservice "train + auto"
commer., commun.self-promotion of services and goodspromotion des propres biens et services
commer., commun.self-promotion of services and goodsauto-promotion
agric.self-servicelibre service
agric.self-servicealimentation à volonté
econ., fin.self-servicelibre-service
econ., market.self-servicevente en libre service
agric.self-serviceaffouragement en libre-service
gen.self-servicemagasin supermarché
mun.plan.self-service areascramble
mun.plan.self-service areazone de distribution
mun.plan.self-service areaensemble de distribution
comp., MSself-service BIdécisionnel libre-service (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
transp.self-service buffet carvoiture-restaurant "libre-service"
transp.self-service buffet carvoiture "Grill-Express"
comp., MSself-service business intelligencedécisionnel libre-service (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
construct.self-service canteenself-service
construct.self-service canteenréfectoire à libre service
market., industr., construct.self-service cartoncarton vendeur
earth.sc., mech.eng.self-service display casecomptoir libre-service
gen.self-service kioskbureau muet
gen.self-service kioskbureau à libre service
gen.self-service kioskbureau de poste muet
transp.self-service laundrylaverie automatique
gen.self-service laundrylaverie (automatique)
gen.self-service modulemodules libre-service
gen.self-service officebureau à libre service
gen.self-service officebureau muet
transp.self-service parkingstationnement libre-service
comp., MSself-service policystratégie libre-service (A collection of configuration settings that determine the conditions under which a user or group can manage their own virtual machines through virtual machine self-service. The self-service policy assigns virtual machine permissions and templates. Self-service policies are configured for a host group)
gen.self-service post officebureau à libre service
gen.self-service post officebureau muet
gen.self-service postal centrebureau de poste muet
comp., MSself-service registration modelmodèle d'inscription libre-service (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) registration model in which a certificate subscriber performs or requests certificate management activities directly using a Web-based interface)
patents.self-service restaurant servicesservices de restaurants libre-service
gen.self-service restaurantsrestaurants libre-service
construct.self-service shopmagasin à libre service
construct.self-service shopmagasin à self-service
gen.self-service shopmagasin en libre-service
econ., market.self-service shopmagasin en libre service
pack.self-service shopmagasin libre-service
construct.self-service storemagasin à libre service
econ.self-service storelibre-service
construct.self-service storemagasin à self-service
gen.self-service storemagasin en libre-service
comp., MSself-service userutilisateur libre-service (A user who creates and manages his own virtual machine(s) within a controlled environment by using the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal)
comp., MSSelf-Service User Contentcontenu de l'utilisateur libre-service (A node in the Library workspace that displays the resources (for example, .vhd files and scripts) that self-service users have uploaded for authoring templates and for sharing with other self-service users)
law, fin.self-servicesservice rendu à soi-même
gen.semi-self servicelibre-service partiel
comp., MSvirtual machine self-servicelibre-service pour ordinateurs virtuels (The Virtual Machine Manager feature that enables users to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment)