
Terms for subject Microsoft containing route | all forms | exact matches only
configuration routegamme de configuration (The sequence in which configuration groups are selected during the production process)
content-based routingroutage basé sur le contenu (The routing of a document based on the information extracted from the payload of the document)
picking routeparcours de prélèvement (The prescribed sequence for withdrawing the required components from inventory for manufacturing a product)
route cardfiche production (A production journal that is used to give feedback on actual time consumption for a route)
route distinguisheridentificateur de routage (An address qualifer used only within a single Internet service provider's multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) network. It is used to distinguish the distinct virtual private network (VPN) routes of separate customers who connect to the provider)
route groupgroupe de gammes (A classification of routes that share certain production characteristics, such as queue time, setup time, and run time)
route jobtâche de gamme (A detailed list of all the jobs for each operation, including setup, process, queue and transportation times)
route operationopération de gamme (A step in the process of manufacturing an item)
routed eventévénement routé (An event instance that propagates through a tree of related elements rather than just targeting to a single element)
routing numbernuméro d'acheminement (A unique bank registration number that a bank uses to identify itself)
routing numbernuméro d'itinéraire (A record that specifies the sequence of production operations)
routing numbern° gamme (A record that specifies the sequence of production operations)
static routingroutage statique (Routing limited to fixed routing tables, as opposed to dynamically updated routing tables)
voice routeitinéraire des communications vocales (A route that contains instructions that tell Lync Server how to route calls from Enterprise Voice users to phone numbers on the public switched telephone network (PSTN), or a private branch exchange (PBX))