
Terms for subject Environment containing route | all forms | exact matches only
Computer Aided Routing Systemsystème de gestion des itinéraires par ordinateur
environmental routevoie de l'environnement
migration routevoie de migration
route planningplanification du trajet
route planningplanification de l'itinéraire
thermochemical routevoie sèche
thermochemical routevoie thermochimique
thermochemical routefilière thermochimique
touristic route An established or selected course for travel consisting, typically, of secondary roads with significant scenic, cultural, historic, geological or natural features and including vistas, rest areas, and interpretive sites matching the scenic characteristics of the coursecircuit touristique
touristic routecircuit touristique
traffic routeitinéraire à grande circulation
traffic routetrafic routier
traffic route No definition neededitinéraire à grande circulation
traffic route construction No definition neededconstruction d'axes de circulation