
Terms containing perforated | all forms | exact matches only
construct.air-feeding perforated peripheral pipeaéroglissière de bord perforé (for foam removal in baths)
met.aluminium foil whether or not embossed, cut to shape, perforated, coated, printed, or backed with paperfeuilles en aluminium ... même gaufrées, découpées, perforées, revêtues, imprimées ou fixées sur papier
med.anterior perforated plateespace quadrilatère perforé (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated platelobe olfactif postérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated plateespace perforé antérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated spaceespace quadrilatère perforé (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated spacelobe olfactif postérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated spaceespace perforé antérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated substanceespace quadrilatère perforé (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated substancelobe olfactif postérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
med.anterior perforated substanceespace perforé antérieur (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
agric., tech.batch perforated drum presspresse à tambours perforés
construct.cable connection by metal perforated stripsjonction des câbles par bandes
construct.cable connection by metal perforated stripsconnexion des câbles par bandes
health.container with perforated or flexible bottomconteneur à fond perforé ou souple
pack.counter-reels paper perforated reels paperpapier à bobiner
tech., industr., construct.cylindrical non perforated tubetube cylindrique non perforé
tech., industr., construct.cylindrical perforated tubetube cylindrique perforé
agric.distributor with perforated platesdistributeur à orifices
textiledyeing perforated tubetube perforé de teinture
tech., industr., construct.equipment for smoothing wool with drying on perforated drumslisseuse avec séchage sur tambours perforés
met., mech.eng.expanded-metal perforated bin floorscase ou trémie à paroi perforée en métal déployé
met., mech.eng.expanded-metal perforated bin floorscase ou trémie à faux fond en métal déployé
agric.false perforated floorfaux plancher perforé
mech.eng., construct.full separate drainage system with super-imposed perforated pipesdrain superposé
mech.eng., construct.full separate drainage system with super-imposed perforated pipestuyau perforé superposé
mech.eng., construct.full separate drainage system with super-imposed perforated pipesconduite superposée perforée
met.funnel with perforated platetamis à filtrer
construct.light perforated brickbrique perforée légère
tech., industr., construct.machine for winding woven or knitted fabrics on to perforated beams for dyeingmachine à enrouler les tissus ou tricots sur rouleaux perforés pour teinture
med.multi-perforated Redon draindrain de Redon
med.multi-perforated Redon draindrain Redon multiperforé
tech., industr., construct.non-perforated conecône non perforé pour bobinage croisé
tech., industr., construct.non-perforated cone with flat-end topcône non perforé pour bobinage croisé à bord tombé
tech., industr., construct.non-perforated cone with rolled-in topcône non perforé pour bobinage croisé à bord supérieur roulé
cultur.one-side perforated filmpellicule à perforation unilatérale
industr., construct.paper perforated in linesbande de papier perforée en pointillé
mech.eng.partially perforated pipetuyau partiellement poreux
mech.eng.partially perforated pipingtuyau partiellement perforé
coal.perforated barrierarrêt-barrage à auges d'eau passives
coal.perforated barrierauges passives
chem.perforated basket centrifugeessoreuse à panier
chem.perforated basket centrifugecentrifugeuse à bol perforé
textileperforated beamensouple perforée
construct.perforated beampoutre perforée
agric.perforated beltcourroie perforée
met.perforated bottomfond en terre réfractaire perforé avec des baguettes
chem.perforated bottomfond perforé
construct.perforated bottom of silofond aéré du silo
nat.res.perforated breakwaterbrise-lames à passes
nat.res.perforated breakwaterbrise-lames à interstices
construct.perforated brickbrique alvéolée
construct.perforated brickbrique ou bloc alvéolée
construct.perforated brickbrique ou bloc alvéolé
construct.perforated brickbrique trouée
construct.perforated brickbrique perforée
construct.perforated bricksbriques perforées
textileperforated cagerécipient perforé
gen.perforated cards for jacquard loomscartons perforés pour métiers Jacquard
construct.perforated casing wellpuits à barbacanes
construct.perforated casing wellpuits avec tubage perforé
antenn.perforated cathodecathode perforée
mun.plan., earth.sc.perforated ceilingplafond perforé
construct.perforated cellular brickbrique alvéolée
tech., industr., construct.perforated cheese centre for dyeing purposestube en tôle perforée pour teinture
tech., industr., construct.perforated cheese centre for dyeing purposestube cylindrique perforé pour teinture
tech., industr., construct.perforated conecône perforé pour bobinage croisé
tech., industr., construct.perforated cone with flat-end topcône perforé pour bobinage croisé à bord tombé
tech., industr., construct.perforated cone with rolled-in topcône perforé pour bobinage croisé à bord supérieur roulé
gen.perforated creaserainure perforée
coal., construct.perforated cutoffparafouille semi-perméable
textileperforated cylindercylindre perforé
tech., industr., construct.perforated discdisque perforé
agric., mech.eng.perforated disktôle filtrante
agric.perforated excluderprotège-magasin perforé
agric.perforated excluderchasse-reine en zinc
agric.perforated excludergarde-magasin en métal perforé
industr., construct.perforated fabric gauzetissu à jour
cultur.perforated filmpellicule perforée
agric.perforated floorplancher perforé
agric.perforated floorsol perforé
agric.perforated floorfaux plancher perforé
agric.perforated floorplateau perforé
industr., construct., mech.eng.perforated frum dryerséchoir à tambours multiples aspirants
chem.perforated glassverre percé
wood.perforated hardboardpanneau de fibres dur perforé
gen.perforated holetrou perforé
med.perforated hymenhymen perforé
med.appl.perforated instrument traycuvette-tamis pour instruments
med.perforated instrument traypanier à instruments
met.perforated ladlelouche perforée
mech.eng.perforated leather for grading machinescuir perforé pour trieurs
antenn.perforated lenslentille à trous
industr., construct.perforated linetracé perforé
pack.perforated linefilet perforé
coal., el.perforated linertube crépinéou crépineà trous
coal., el.perforated linertube crépinéou crépineà fentes
tech., industr., construct.perforated litho mastercliché litho perforé
earth.sc., el.perforated magnetic tapebande magnétique perforée
construct.perforated metal ceilingplafond en tôles perforées
health.perforated metal slabtôle perforée
health.perforated metal slabpanneau perforé
med.appl.perforated moulding spoonporte-empreinte perforé
gen.perforated music rollsbandes musicales perforées
cultur., industr., construct.perforated music-rollcarton perforé
health.perforated panelpanneau perforé
build.struct.perforated panelplaque perforée
health.perforated paneltôle perforée
industr., construct.perforated paperpapier perforé
industr., construct.perforated paperboardcarton perforé
industr., construct.perforated particle boardpanneau de particules perforé
wood.perforated particleboardpanneau de particules perforé
met.perforated pipetube perforé
water.res.perforated pipe irrigationméthode des tuyaux perforés
water.res.perforated pipe irrigationsystème d'irrigation à tuyaux perforés
water.res.perforated pipe methodméthode des tuyaux perforés
agric., construct.perforated pipe methodsystème à tuyaux perforés
chem.perforated plateplateau perforé
met.perforated plateplateau criblé
met.perforated plateplateau à trous
tech., mech.eng.perforated plateplaque perforée
tech.perforated platetôle perforée
chem.perforated-plate columncolonne à plateaux perforés
nat.res.perforated plate filterfiltre à tôle perforée
med.perforated plate posteriorlame perforée postérieure (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
med.perforated plate posteriorespace perforé postérieur (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
med.perforated plate posteriorespace interpédonculaire (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
industr., construct.perforated plywoodcontreplaqué perforé
chem.perforated porcelain plateplaque perforée de Witt
construct.perforated porous brickbrique poreuse perforée
construct.perforated reagent mixermalaxeur de réactif perforé
mater.sc., industr., construct.perforated reels paperpapier à bobiner
construct.perforated rollsbroyeurs à cylindres perforés
gen.perforated scorerainure perforée
construct.perforated sheetplaque perforée
tech.perforated sheetfeuille perforée
agric.perforated sheet floorfond à tôle perforée
met.perforated sheet irontôle perforée
construct.perforated sieve cylindercylindre perforé à ossature
build.struct.perforated slabplaque perforée
met.perforated slaglaitier pique
chem.perforated spreader tubetube perforé de vaporisation
mech.eng.perforated steam coilserpentin perforé
nat.res.perforated St.John's wortmillepertuis perforé (Hypericum perforatum)
nat.res.perforated St.John's wortherbe de la Saint Jean (Hypericum perforatum)
construct.perforated stonebrique perforée
med.perforated substanceespace perforé
ITperforated taperuban perforé
ITperforated tapebande à perforer
ITperforated tapebande perforée
ITperforated tapebande de papier perforée
commun.perforated-tape retransmitterreperforateur-transmetteur
commun.perforated-tape retransmitterretransmetteur à bande perforée
telegr.perforated-tape retransmitterréémetteur à bande perforée
med.appl.perforated tipbout perforé
industr., construct.perforated toe capbout fleuri
mech.eng.perforated tote boxbac de manutention
med.perforated trayporte-empreinte perforé
met.perforated tubetube percé
earth.sc.perforated wallparoi à fentes
med.posterior perforated spaceespace perforé postérieur (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
med.posterior perforated spacelame perforée postérieure (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
med.posterior perforated spaceespace interpédonculaire (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
IT, mater.sc.removing the perforated strips from the side of the papersuppression des bandes latérales perforées
IT, mater.sc.removing the perforated strips from the side of the papercoupe des rives
coal.screening machine using perforated sheetcrible à tôles perforées
gen.single perforated powderpoudre propulsive tubulaire
agric.slatted, perforated or gridded floorcaillebotis
agric., tech.slot perforated grading cylindercylindre calibreur à tôle perforée
agric., tech.slot perforated platetôle perforée à trous longs
med.special perforated instrument traynécessaire chirurgical spécial
ITsprocket-driven perforated filmbande perforée entraînée par des roues dentées
med.standard perforated instrument traynécessaire chirurgical de base
med.standard perforated instrument trayinstrument de bloc
chem.star perforated grainbloc de poudre à perforation étoilée
fin., polit.tapes for teletype machines, perforated tapes for monotype machines and calculating machinesbandes pour télétypes, bandes perforées pour monotypes et machines à calculer
IT, dat.proc.verge-perforated cardcarte à perforations marginales
work.fl., ITverge-perforated cardcarte à perforations centrales
construct.vertically perforated brickbrique perforée
life.sc.well completion with perforated linercomplétion par tubage perforé