
Terms containing perforate | all forms | exact matches only
industr.gun perforatingperforation à balles
earth.sc., met.laser perforatingperforation au laser
immigr., tech.perforate numberingnumérotation perforée
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortbarbe de Saint-Jean (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe aux brûlures (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe aux fées (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortchasse-diable (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe aux mille trous (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe de la Saint-Jean (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe à mille trous (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortmille-pertuis perforé (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortmillepertuis commune (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-worttrescalon populaire (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-worttrucheran (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-worttrascalan (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortmillepertuis (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe-à-mille-trous (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe percée (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-wortherbe aux piqûres (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
health., environ., nat.res.perforate Saint John's-worttrucheron jaune (Hypericum perforatum Lin., Hypericum perforatum)
voll."perforate" the blockpercer le contre (with a ball)
industr., construct.to perforate the uppertaveler la tige
med.perforating appendicitisappendicite perforante
med.perforating cholecystitischolécystite avec perforation
mech.eng.perforating diematrice emporte-pièce
med.perforating empyemaempyème fistulisé (empyema perforans)
transp., mater.sc.perforating impactimpact perforant
cultur., mech.eng.perforating machineperforatrice
industr.perforating machineappareil à perforer
industr., construct.perforating machinemachine à perforer
mech.eng.perforating punchpoinçon emporte-pièce
mech.eng.perforating punchemporte-pièce
mech.eng.perforating punch for ticketsemporte-pièce à dispositif imprimeur
mech.eng.perforating punch for ticketsemporte-pièce à dispositif estampeur
mech.eng.perforating rulefilet perforateur
gen.perforating tools hand toolsperforateurs outils
lawperforating woundblessure pénétrante
industr., construct.punch for perforating leatheremporte-pièce à découper le cuir
chem.to perforatepercer
construct.to perforatepoinçonner
chem.to perforateperforer
commun.unjustified tape perforating keyboardsclavier perforateur pour bandes non justifiées