
Terms containing parallelism | all forms | exact matches only
gen.advanced exploitation of fine-grained parallelismexploitation avancée d'un parallélisme à grain fin
IT, dat.proc.AND-parallelismparallélisme-ET
ITautomatic data parallelism translatorconvertisseur automatique de programme parallèle
genet.ecotypic parallelismparallélisme écotypique
ITexploitation of large-scale parallelismexploitation du parallélisme à grande échelle
commer.full parallelismparallélisme total
genet.genotypic parallelismparallélisme génotypique
math.Hollander's parallelism testessai de parallélisme de Hollander
met.lack of parallelismdéfaut de parallélisme
commun.length of parallelismlongueur de parallélisme
ITmassive parallelismparallélisme massif
tech.non-parallelism and faulty positioning of stitching wiresdéfaut de parallélisme et de position des fils de couture
tech., industr., construct.non-parallelism between the flangesnon-parallélisme entre joues
IT, dat.proc.OR-parallelismparallélisme-OU
transp., mater.sc.out-of-parallelismfaux parallélisme
stat.parallelism assumptionhypothèse de parallélisme
tech., mech.eng.parallelism tolerancetolérance de parallélisme
comp., MSpartitioned table parallelismparallélisme de tableau partitionné (The parallel execution strategy for queries that select from partitioned objects. As part of the execution strategy, the query processor determines the table partitions that are required for the query and the proportion of threads to allocate to each partition. In most cases, the query processor allocates an equal or almost equal number of threads to each partition, and then executes the query in parallel across the partitions)
lawprinciple of parallelismprincipe du parallélisme
tech., mech.eng.raceway parallelism with faceparallélisme du chemin de roulement et de la face
comp., MSstructured parallelismparallélisme structuré (In the Concurrency Runtime, parallel code that is scheduled and finished in the lexical scope from which it starts. Under the structured parallelism model, a task does not finish until its child tasks finish)
comp., MSunstructured parallelismparallélisme non structuré (In the Concurrency Runtime, parallel code that can start in one context and finish in a different context. For example, a set of tasks in a task group can start in one context, and then finish in a different context)
law, fin.unwritten rule of virtual parallelismrègle tacite du quasi-parallélisme