
Terms for subject Microsoft containing multiple | all forms | exact matches only
dual-tone multiple-frequencynumérotation en fréquences vocales (The signaling system used in telephones with touchtone keypads, in which each digit is associated with two specific frequencies)
multiple activation keyclé d'activation multiple (A volume license key that is used for one-time activation with activation services that are hosted by Microsoft)
multiple active result set A SQL Server 2005 feature that provides the ability to have more than one pending request per connection, in particular to have more than one default result set open per connection. SQL Server 2000 and earlier restricted the programming model such that at any point in time there would be at most one pending request on a given session, blocking the driver from sending requests to the server until the entire result set is consumedMARS (Multiple Active Result Set)
multiple bit rateà plusieurs vitesses de transmission (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
multiple bit rate encodingcodage à vitesses de transmission multiples (An encoding method where a single WMV file contains several streams of varying bit rates)
multiple bootdémarrage multiple (A computer configuration in which two or more different operating systems are installed on the same computer hard disk, and you can choose which operating system to use when the computer starts)
multiple-choice propertypropriété à choix multiple (A property that contains a set of predefined values. For example you could create a multiple-choice property named Shirt_Size and define the following possible values: S M and L)
multiple choice questionquestion à choix multiple (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must select a response from a set of pre-defined options)
multiple column sort modemode de tri de plusieurs colonnes (The state of a header control in which two or more header columns can participate in a sort)
Multiple Connected SessionSession à connexions multiples (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
multiple critical pathschemins critiques multiples (A series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule. Identify and track multiple critical paths to be more effective in managing conditions that could affect your project's finish date)
multiple-document interface A specification according to which documents are opened into windows (sometimes called child windows) that are constrained to a single primary (parent) windowinterface multidocument (MDI)
multiple entity sets per typejeux d'entités multiples par type (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
multiple forest group validationvalidation de groupe de forêts multiples (A mode of the group validation activity that places cross forest members of a group in the FSP set associated with the forest in which the group resides)
multiple forest topologytopologie de forêts multiples (A topology that includes more than one Active Directory forest, each of which forest can have one or more trees)
multiple identitiesidentités multiples (Multiple Web sites that are hosted on one computer)
multiple-level category labelsétiquettes de catégorie de différents niveaux (Category labels in a chart that, based on worksheet data, are automatically displayed on more than one line in a hierarchy. For example, the heading Produce might appear above a row with headings Tofu, Apples, and Pears)
multiple mastersplusieurs masques (A feature that allows multiple design templates to be applied to a single presentation)
multiple points of presenceplusieurs points de présence (The ability of a single user to sign in to a Lync Server or Office Communications Server server with multiple clients)
multiple projectsprojets multiples (Several project plans that may or may not be linked or consolidated. If you are working on several projects at one time, you can compare information about critical paths, resource sharing, or priorities among all of the projects)
multiple selectionsélection multiple (The process of selecting nonadjacent and adjacent files and objects)
multiple-selection list boxzone de liste à sélection multiple (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)