
Terms containing mixture ratio | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
phys.sc., tech., lawmixture ratiorapport air/combustible
phys.sc., tech., lawmixture ratiorapport pondéral air-carburant
mech.eng.mixture ratiodosage de la richesse du mélange
gen.mixture ratiorapport de mélange
met.mixture ratiorapport de consommation
gen.mixture ratiovaleur d'excès d'air
mech.eng.mixture ratiorapport air-combustible
mech.eng.mixture ratioproportion du mélange
transp., mech.eng.mixture ratiorichesse du mélange
phys.sc., tech., lawmixture ratiorapport air-carburant
avia., meas.inst.mixture ratio controlréglage du mixage
avia.mixture ratio controllerrégulateur du mixage
mech.eng.ratio of fuel air mixturerapport air-combustible
mech.eng.ratio of fuel air mixtureproportion du mélange
mech.eng.ratio of fuel air mixturerichesse du mélange
mech.eng.ratio of fuel air mixturedosage de la richesse du mélange
mech.eng.ratio of mixturerapport air-combustible
mech.eng.ratio of mixturerichesse du mélange
mech.eng.ratio of mixtureproportion du mélange
mech.eng.ratio of mixturedosage de la richesse du mélange