
Terms for subject Microsoft containing market | all forms | exact matches only
e-mail marketingemailing (An organized process of communicating with prospects and customers via e-mail)
job market pricingfixation des prix par le marché du travail (A method of determining compensation by comparing individual jobs to market benchmark data for similar jobs in order to identify a value-relative basis. With this method, a specific pay range is associated with an individual job, but not with a compensation level (grade or band). Job market pricing is a feature of broad-banding compensation structures, but not of grades or steps)
market basket analysisanalyse des comportements d'achat (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
market basket analysisanalyse du panier d'achat (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
market segmentsegment de marché (A classification of customers or potential customers based on shared traits, such as geography, demographics, or other personal characteristics, for the purpose of targeting products and services)
Marketing AutomationGestion de campagnes marketing (The sub-title for the Marketing button on the main view of CRM)