
Terms for subject Environment containing installation | all forms | exact matches only
algal-culture installationinstallation de culture d'algues
ash disposal installationinstallation d'évacuation des mâchefers
Association of Plant Managers and Operation Companies of Swiss Waste Treatment InstallationsAssociation suisse des chefs d'exploitation et exploitants de traitement des déchets
Association of Plant Managers of Swiss Waste Treatment InstallationsAssociation suisse des chefs d'exploitation de traitement des déchets
chemical installationinstallation chimique
chemical installation Building where chemicals are manufacturedinstallation chimique
combined heat and power installationinstallation de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricité
combined heat and power installationcentrale électrocalogène
combined heat and power installationcentrale de production combinée de chaleur et d'électricité
combined heat and power installationcentrale de cogénération
continuous-operation lift installationstation de relevage fonctionnant en permanence
dangerous installation Installations whose functioning involves the possibility of major hazards such as chemical plants, nuclear, coal and oil power production plants, etc.installation dangereuse
dangerous installationinstallation dangereuse
decommissioning of an off-shore installationdéclassement d'une installation offshore
disposal installationinstallation d'élimination
disposing of cooling water from fixed installationsévacuation des eaux de refroidissement des installations fixes
disused off-shore installationinstallation offshore désaffectée
drilling installation The structural base upon which the drill rig and associated equipment is mounted during the drilling operationinstallation de forage
drilling installationinstallation de forage
fuel benchmark sub-installationsous-installation avec référentiel de combustibles
fuel tank installationinstallation de réservoir à carburant
fuel tank installation The operating, fuel-storage component of a fuel systeminstallation de réservoir à carburant
heat benchmark sub-installationsous-installation avec référentiel de chaleur
incumbent installationinstallation en place
industrial installationinstallation industrielle
industrial installation A device, system or piece of equipment installed for a particular industryinstallation industrielle
installation being under verificationinstallation soumise à vérification
installation design standardsnormes de conception ou de construction des installations fixes
installation for burning urban refusecentrale de combustion des résidus urbains
installation for the protection of the environmentinstallation de protection de l'environnement
installation optimisation Adjustments made to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatus in order to maximize its functionality and efficiencyoptimisation des installations
installation optimisationoptimisation des installations
installation requiring approval The official authorization needed to assemble and place into position any apparatus, facility, military post or machineryinstallation nécessitant une habilitation
installation requiring approvalinstallation nécessitant une habilitation
installation restoration The process of repairing or reconstructing an edifice in order to return it to its original conditionréhabilitation du logement
installation restorationréhabilitation du logement
installation to reduce pollutant emissionsinstallation de réduction des émission polluantes
major risk installation Installations whose functioning involves the possibility of major hazards such as chemical plants, nuclear, coal and oil power production plants, etc.installation à haut risque
major risk installationinstallation à haut risque
network of waste disposal installationsréseau d'installations d'élimination des déchets
new installationnouvelle installation
new installation A device, system, or piece of equipment that has been recently installednouvelle installation
old installationinstallation ancienne
optimisation of installationsoptimisation des installations
polluting installationsinstallations polluantes
process emissions sub-installationsous-installation avec émissions de procédé
product benchmark sub-installationsous-installation avec référentiel de produit
refuse incineration installationusine d'incinération des ordures ménagères
security of installations Measures, techniques or designs implemented to protect from harm or restrict access to any apparatus, machinery or construction put in place or connected for usesécurité des installations
security of installationssécurité des installations
specialised disposal installationsinstallations d'élimination spécialisées
stationary installationinstallation stationnaire
stationary installationinstallation fixe
supervision of installationsurveillance d'installations
underground storage installationsinstallations souterraines de stockage
waste disposal installationinstallation d'élimination
waste disposal installationsinstallation d'élimination des déchets