
Terms for subject Environment containing forest | all forms | exact matches only
academic conference on "The nature and culture of forestsconférence scientifique sur le thème "La nature et la culture des forêts : les conséquences de la diversité sur l'exploitation forestière durable, le commerce et la certification"
ad hoc Intergovernmental Panel on ForestsGroupe intergouvernemental spécial sur les forêts
Advanced Forest TechnologiesTechnologies forestières de pointe
Advisory Committee on Forest Fire ProtectionComité consultatif pour la protection de la forêt contre les incendies
African forest elephantéléphant des forêts (Loxodonta cyclotis)
African forest turtlepélusio du Gabon (Pelusios gabonensis, Pelusios subniger)
alpine and sub-alpine coniferous forestsforêts de conifères alpines et subalpines
area liable to forest decayzone sujette au dépérissement des forêts
beneficial effects of the forestfonctions sociales de la forêt
Boreal forestforêt de l'Europe tempérée
Boreal forestforêt boréale
boreal forestsforêts boréales
broadleaved forestforêt à essences feuillues
broadleaved forestforêt feuilleuse
brown forest soilsol brun
Charter of the Indigenous-Tribal Peoples of the Tropical ForestsCharte des peuples indigènes et tribaux des forêts tropicales
clearance of forestsdéboisement
clearance of forestsdéforestation
clearance of forestsréduction de la surface boisée
clearance of forestsdestruction des forêts
cloud forestforêt de la zone des brouillards
CO2 equivalent of any forestéquivalent CO2 d'une forêt
Collaborative Partnership on ForestsPartenariat de collaboration sur les forêts
commercial forestforêt exploitée à des fins commerciales
commercial forestforêt commerciale
Community forest-fire information systemsystème d'information communautaire sur les incendies de forêt
coniferous forest A forest type characterized by cone-bearing, needle-leaved trees. They are generally, but not necessarily, evergreen and relatively shallow-rooted. Since they grow more rapidly than most broad-leaved trees, conifers are extensively planted as a source of softwood timber and pulp. They are tolerant of wide-ranging climatic conditions, of many different types of soil and of considerable differences in terrain. Thus, they are found from the polar latitudes to the tropics, on most types of soils (especially, thin acid soils) and from mountain summits to coastal environmentsforêt de conifères
coniferous forestforêt fongistatique
conservator of forestsconservateur des forêts
conservator of forestsconservateur des eaux et forêts
deciduous forestforêt de feuillus
deciduous forest The temperate forests comprised of trees that seasonally shed their leaves, located in the east of the USA, in Western Europe from the Alps to Scandinavia, and in the eastern Asia. The hardwood of these forests have been exploited since the 16th century. The trees of deciduous forests usually produce nuts and winged seedsforêt de feuillus
deciduous forestforêt feuilleuse
deciduous Mediterranean forestsforêts méditerranéennes à feuilles caduques
Declaration of Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de Rio sur les principes relatifs à la forêt
Declaration of Forest PrinciplesDéclaration sur des principes relatifs à la forêt
Declaration of Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de principes, non juridiquement contraignante mais faisant autorité, pour un consensus mondial sur la gestion, la conservation et l'exploitation écologiquement viable de tous les types de forêts
deteriorated forestforêt dégradée
deterioration of land and forest potentialdégradation du capital foncier et forestier
dry forestforêt sèche
ecotone between forest and grassformation arbustive
Equatorial Guinea's forestforêt équatoguinéenne
EU Forest StrategyStratégie de l'UE pour les forêts
European forest heritagepatrimoine forestier européen
European Forest InstituteInstitut forestier européen
European monitoring system of forest healthsystème européen de surveillance de l'état des forêts
European network for forest damage assessmentréseau européen de suivi des dommages forestiers
evergreen forestforêt sempervirante
Expert Panel for Foliar Analysis of ICP ForestsGroupe d'experts "Feuilles"
Expert Panel for Foliar Analysis of ICP ForestsGroupe d'experts "Analyses foliaires" du programme de coopération internationale "Forêts"
Expert Panel on Increment of ICP ForestsGroupe d'experts "Accroissement" du programme de coopération internationale "Forêts"
fast rotation forestforêt à rotation rapide
Fennoscandian herb-rich forest with Picea abiesforêt fennoscandienne à Picea abies riche en herbes
Foliar Expert Panel of the ICP ForestsGroupe d'experts "Analyses foliaires" du programme de coopération internationale "Forêts"
Foliar Expert Panel of the ICP ForestsGroupe d'experts "Feuilles"
forest amenitiesfonctions sociales de la forêt
Forest and Wildlands Conservation Information SystemSystème d'information sur la conservation des forêts et des espaces naturels
forest areamassif forestier
forest areaespace forestier
forest biological reserve Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animalsréserve biologique forestière
forest biological reserveréserve biologique forestière
forest biomassbiomasse forestière
forest carbon stockstock de carbone en forêt
forest conservationpréservation des forêts
forest conservatorconservateur des forêts
forest conservatorconservateur des eaux et forêts
forest cover destruction Destruction of forests is carried out in many countries in order to provide new land for agricultural or livestock purposes. It is often done without factors such as climate and topography having been sufficiently studied and on lands where slope nature of the soil or other physiographic characteristics clearly indicate that the land involved is suitable only for forest. Although these practices may lead to a temporary increase in productivity, there are also many indications that in the long run there is usually a decrease in productivity per unit of surface and that erosion and irreversible soil deterioration often accompany this process. Many factors contribute to forest cover destruction: timber production, clearance for agriculture, cutting for firewood and charcoal, fires, droughts, strip mining, pollution, urban development, population pressures, and warfareréduction de la surface boisée
forest cover destructionréduction de la surface boisée
forest cover destructiondéforestation
forest cover destructiondéboisement
forest cover destructiondestruction des forêts
forest damage Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc.dégâts forestiers
forest damagedégâts forestiers
forest degradationdégradation des forêts
forest-dependent peoplepopulation tributaire de la forêt
forest-dependent peoplepopulation dépendante des forêts
forest destructionréduction de la surface boisée
forest destructiondéforestation
forest destructiondéboisement
forest destructiondestruction des forêts
forest deterioration Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc.dépérissement forestier
forest deteriorationdépérissement forestier
forest die-backmort des forêts
forest diebackdépérissement des forêts
forest die-backdépérissement des forêts
forest ecology The science that deals with the relationship of forest trees to their environment, to one another, and to other plants and to animals in the forestécologie forestière
forest ecologyécologie forestière
forest ecosystem Any forest environment, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment, in which they liveecosystème forestier
forest ecosystemécosystème forestier
forest environmentmilieu forestier
Forest EuropeConférence ministérielle sur la protection des forêts en Europe
forest exploitation Forests have been exploited over the centuries as a source of wood and for obtaining land for agricultural use. The mismanagement of forest lands and forest resources has led to a situation where the forest is now in rapid retreat. The main aspects of the situation are: serious shortages in the supply of industrial wood; the catastrophic erosion and floods accompanying the stripping of forests from mountainous land; the acute shortages of fuel wood in much of the developing world; the spread of desert conditions at an alarming rate in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world; and the many environmental effects of the destruction of tropical rainforestsexploitation forestière
forest firefeu de forêt
forest fireincendie de forêt
forest fire A conflagration in or destroying large wooded areas having a thick growth of trees and plantsincendie de forêt
forest fire shelterabri anti-feu
forest formationformation forestière
forest foxrenard crabier (Cerdocyon thous)
forest indirect effectsfonctions sociales de la forêt
forest industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of establishments is engaged in the management of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreationindustrie forestière
forest industryindustrie foretière
Forest Intensive Monitoring Coordinating InstituteInstitut de coordination de la surveillance intensive des forêts
Forest Investment ProgramProgramme d'investissement pour la forêt
forest little owlchevèche forestière (Heteroglaux blewitti)
forest managementgestion forestière
forest management Planning of forest utilization for wood production, conservation purposes, fauna and flora protection, recreation and water supplygestion forestière
forest managementgestion des forêts
forest management practicesméthodes de gestion forestière
forest owletchevèche forestière (Heteroglaux blewitti)
forest pestdéprédateur des forêts
forest pestparasites des forêts
forest pestravageurs forestiers
forest pest Organisms that damage treesdéprédateur des forêts
forest policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to preserve or protect an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreationpolitique forestière
Forest Principlesprincipes forestiers
forest productproduits forestiers
forest product Any material afforded by a forest for commercial use, such as tree products and forageproduit forestier
forest production Forests produce a range of products including firewood and charcoal, lumber, paper, and crops such as coffee, oil palm, and rubber. With careful planning of growth and harvesting, wood and other forest products are, in principle, renewable resources. But achieving renewability takes time - often decades, sometimes centuries. Without careful management, pressure for short-term exploitation can lead to tree removal, soil degradation, and conversion of woodland to other uses. Consumption of forest resources can lead to environmental problems as well as loss of critical habitat and speciesproduction forestière
forest protection Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agentsprotection de la forêt
forest protectionprotection de la forêt
forest pruningélagage forestier
forest-rangergarde forestier
forest recreationrécréation en forêt
forest reserve Forest area set aside for the purpose of protecting certain fauna and flora, or bothréserve forestière
forest reserveréserve forestière
forest residuerémanents et couverture morte
forest resourceressource sylvicole
forest resource Forest resources consist of two separate but closely related parts: the forest land and the trees (timber) on that landressource forestière
forest resourceressource forestière
forest resource assessmentévaluation des ressources forestières
forest-rich Member StateEtat membre riche en forêts
forest-sequestration projectprojet forestier de piégeage du carbone
Forest Soil Co-ordinating CentreForest Soil Co-ordinating Centre
forest spotted owlchevèche forestière (Heteroglaux blewitti)
forest standpeuplement forestier
Forest Stewardship CouncilConseil de bonne gestion forestière
forest witheringmort des forêts
forest witheringdépérissement des forêts
fragmented forestforêt morcelée
fragmented forestforêt fragmentée
gallery forestforêt-galerie
gallery forestgalerie forestière
gallery forestforêt à lianes
gallery forestforêt galerie
gallery forestforêt dense tempérée caducifoliée
General guidelines for the conservation of biodiversity in European forestsPrincipes généraux pour la conservation de la diversité biologique des forêts européennes
Global Forest Carbon MechanismMécanisme mondial pour le carbone forestier
global forest conventionconvention mondiale sur les forêts
hardwood forestforêt feuilleuse
hydrocarbon-emitting forestforêt émettrice d'hydrocarbures
indigenous forestforêt primaire
indigenous forest Forests which are native to a given areaforêt primaire
Initiative in support of category III of the programme of work of the intergovernmental forum on forests IFFInitiative à l'appui des activités de la catégorie III du programme de travail du Forum Intergouvernemental sur les forêts FIF
Inter-Agency Task Force on ForestsEquipe de travail interorganisations sur les forêts
Intergovernmental Forum on ForestsForum intergouvernemental sur les forêts
Intergovernmental Panel on Forestsgroupe intergouvernemental sur les forêts
Intergovernmental Panel on ForestsGroupe intergouvernemental sur les forêts
Intergovernmental Panel on Forestsgroupe intergouvernemental d'experts pour l'étude des forêts
international forest regimerégime forestier international
inventory of damage caused to forests by atmospheric pollutioninventaire des dommages occasionnés aux forêts par la pollution atmosphérique
inventory of forest damage Survey of a forest area to determine forest depletion. The aim of the inventory is to give an overview of the forest conditions. Especially should the inventory aim to detect any changes in the forest conditions, but it should also provide the distribution of the forest damages and find out any relation with site and stand conditionsinventaire des dégâts forestiers
inventory of forest damageinventaire des dégâts forestiers
ITTO Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Tropical ForestsDirectives de l'OIBT pour la gestion rationnelle des forêts tropicales
Joint Work Programme on the Conservation and Enhancement of Biological and Landscape Diversity in Forest EcosystemsProgramme de travail conjoint pour la conservation et la mise en valeur de la diversité biologique et paysagère dans les écosystèmes forestiers
low forest cover countrypays à faible couvert forestier
low grade forest standformation forestière dégradée
macaronesian laurel forestlaurisylve macaronésienne
maintenance of forestsentretien des forêts
man-made forestforêt artificielle
Manual on methodologies of forest soil sampling and analysisManuel sur la méthodologie de prélèvement et d'analyse des sols forestiers
Mediterranean forestforêt méditérranéenne
Mediterranean forest Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen treesforêt méditérranéenne
Mediterranean mountain coniferous forestsforêts de conifères des montagnes méditerranéennes et macaronésiennes
Mediterranean pine forest of native black pinespinèdes méditerranéennes de pins noirs endémiques
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in EuropeConférence ministérielle sur la protection des forêts en Europe
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europeconférence ministérielle pour la protection des forêts en Europe
mixed forest A forest composed of several tree speciesforêt mixte
Moesian silver fir forestsforêts de sapins blancs moesiens
moist closed forestforêt dense humide
mountain forest An extensive area of woodland that is found at natural elevations usually higher than 2000 feetforêt de montagne
Munich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in EuropeConférence multilatérale de Munich sur les causes et la prévention des dommages subis par les forêts et les eaux du fait de la pollution atmosphérique en Europe
National forest programmesProgrammes forestiers nationaux
national network for intensive monitoring of forest ecosystemsréseau national de suivi à long terme des écosystèmes forestiers
natural forest A forest area that has developed free from the influence of humans and remains largely unaffected by their activities. The natural forest may include, but is not necessarily equivalent to, an old-growth forestforêt naturelle
needle-leaved forestforêt fongistatique
noncommercial forest landterrain boisé non productif
Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of ForestsDéclaration sur des principes relatifs à la forêt
Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of ForestsDéclaration de principes, non juridiquement contraignante mais faisant autorité, pour un consensus mondial sur la gestion, la conservation et l'exploitation écologiquement viable de tous les types de forêts
Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of ForestsDéclaration de Rio sur les principes relatifs à la forêt
Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management,Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of ForestsDéclaration de principes,non juridiquement contraignante mais faisant autorité,pour un consensus mondial sur la gestion,la conservation et l'exploitation écologiquement viable de tous les types de forêts
non-managed forest areaszones forestières non exploitées
open forest standformation forestière dégradée
open forest standformation forestière claire
open woodland forestforêt claire
Pan-European Conference on forest protectionConférence paneuropéenne sur la protection des forêts en Europe
prevention of forest firesprévention des incendies de forêt
prevention of forest fires Precautionary actions, measures or installations implemented to avert the possibility of an unexpected conflagration of any large wooded area having a thick growth of trees and plantsprévention des incendies de forêt
prevention of forest firesdéfense de la forêt contre l'incendie
prevention of forest firesprévention de l'incendie de forêt
primary forestforêt primaire
primary forest Forest which originally covered a region before changes in the environment brought about by peopleforêt primaire
private forest No definition neededforêt privée
Protection of ForestsProtection de la forêt
protection of the forests against atmospheric pollutionprotection des forêts contre la pollution atmosphérique
protection of the forests against fireprotection des forêts contre les incendies
rain forestforêt ombrophile
rain forest A forest of broad-leaved, mainly evergreen, trees found in continually moist climates in the tropics, subtropics, and some parts of the temperate zonesforêt pluviale
rain forestforêt humide
ravine forestsforêts de ravins
reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countriesréduction des émissions résultant du déboisement et de la dégradation des forêts dans les pays en développement
restoration management of specific forest areasgestion de la restauration de certaines surfaces boisées
restoration of forestsrestauration des forêts
restoration of forestsreconstitution des forêts
Rio Declaration on Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de Rio sur les principes relatifs à la forêt
Rio Declaration on Forest PrinciplesDéclaration sur des principes relatifs à la forêt
Rio Declaration on Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de principes, non juridiquement contraignante mais faisant autorité, pour un consensus mondial sur la gestion, la conservation et l'exploitation écologiquement viable de tous les types de forêts
Rio Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de Rio sur les principes relatifs à la forêt
Rio Forest PrinciplesDéclaration sur des principes relatifs à la forêt
Rio Forest PrinciplesDéclaration de principes, non juridiquement contraignante mais faisant autorité, pour un consensus mondial sur la gestion, la conservation et l'exploitation écologiquement viable de tous les types de forêts
riverine forestforêt fluviale
sclerophyllous grazed forestforêt sclérophylle pâturée
secondary forestforêt secondaire
selection forestfutaie-jardinée
semideciduous forestforêt à feuillage semi-décidu
semideciduous forestforêt à feuillage semi-caduc
short rotation forestforêt à rotation rapide
social benefits of the forestfonctions sociales de la forêt
soft-wood forestforêt fongistatique
stable forest ecosystemécosystème forestier stable
state forest Forest owned and managed by the Stateforêt domaniale
storage of carbon in forestsstockage du carbone par la forêt sur pied
storage of carbon in forestsstockage du carbone dans les forêts
strict forest reservesréserves forestières exclusives
subnatural forest ecosystemécosystème forestier subnaturel
sustainable forest managementgestion durable des forêts
swamp forestforêt marécageuse
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and LandscapeOffice fédéral de l'environnement, de la forêt et du paysage
telematics system to fight forest firessystème télématique de lutte contre les incendies de fôret
temperate forest Mixed forest of conifers and broad-leaf deciduous trees, or mixed conifer and broad-leaf evergreen trees, or entirely broad-leaf deciduous, or entirely broad-leaf evergreen trees, found in temperate regions across the world; characterized by high rainfall, warm summers, cold winters occasionally subzero, seasonality; typically with dense canopies, understorey saplings and tall shrubs, large animals, carnivores dominant, very rich in bird speciesforêt des zones tempérées
temperate forestforêts et bois de zônes tempérées
temperate forestforêt des zones tempérées
temperate forestsforêts tempérées
thorn bush forestforêt claire épineuse
timber forest Forest whose trees are all in the adult stage and have reached the reproductive periodfutaie
timber forestfutaie
timber foresthaute futaie
total forest areapatrimoine forestier
Traditional Forest-Related Knowledgesavoir forestier traditionnel
Traditional Forest-Related Knowledgeconnaissances traditionnelles en matière de sylviculture
tropical forest A vegetation class consisting of tall, close-growing trees, their columnar trunks more or less unbranched in the lower two-thirds, and forming a spreading and frequently flat crown; occurs in areas of high temperature and high rainfallforêt tropicale
tropical forest ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in forests found in tropical regions near the equator, which are characterized by warm to hot weather and abundant rainfallécosystème de la forêt tropicale
tropical forest ecosystemécosystème de la forêt tropicale
tropical forest resourcesressources forestières tropicales
Tropical Forests Action ProgrammePlan d'action forestier tropical
Tropical Forests Action ProgrammePlan d'action pour la protection de la forêt tropicale
Tropical Forests Action ProgrammePlan d'action pour les forêts tropicales
Tropical Forests Action ProgrammeProgramme d'action forestier tropical
tropical rain forestforêt de régime pluvieux
tropical rain forestforêt pluviale équatoriale
tropical rain forest The most valuable and the richest ecosystem on Earth. It plays a critical part in the Earth's life support systems and house 50%, and possibly as much as 90%, of all the species on Earth. It is a key storehouse of foods, oils and minerals, and a source of ingredients that make up a range of medical treatments. It also represents home and livelihood for many people. However, more than half of the rainforests have disappeared, chopped down for valuable tropical hardwoods, or cleared to provide areas for cattle grazing or human habitation. The forests play an important part in climate patterns, and deforestation is thought to be responsible for 18% of global warming. Furthermore, as they disappear there is also an albedo effect - a damaging increase in the sunlight reflected - which affects wind and rainfall patternsforêt tropicale humide
tropical rain-forestforêt ombrophile tropicale
tropical rain-forestforêt tropicale humide
tropical rain-forestforêt humide tropicale
United Nations Forum on ForestsForum des Nations unies sur les forêts
West African black forest turtlepélusio noir (Pelusios niger)
World Forest DayJournée mondiale de la forêt