
Terms for subject Environment containing economic | all forms | exact matches only
adverse social, environmental and economic impactsconséquences sociales, environnementales et économiques néfastes
Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Economic Community, on the one hand, and the Republic of Austria, on the other, on cooperation on management of water resources in the Danube BasinConvention entre la République fédérale d'Allemagne et la Communauté économique européenne, d'une part, et la République d'Autriche, d'autre part, relative à la coopération hydro-économique dans le bassin du Danube
agronomic-economic modelmodèle agronomique-économique
Community Initiative Contributing to Protection of the Environment and Promoting Economic DevelopmentInitiative communautaire concernant la protection de l'environnement et favorisant le développement socio-économique
Conference on Economic Incentives for Environmental ProtectionConférence sur les incitations économiques pour la protection de l'environnement
Declaration of Environmental Policies and Procedures relating to Economic DevelopmentDéclaration concernant les politiques de l'environnement et les procédures relatives au développement économique
economic activity Any effort, work, function or sphere of action pertaining to the production of goods, services or any other resource with exchange valueactivité économique
economic agencyagence économique
Economic agencyagence économique
economic analysis The quantitative and qualitative identification, study, and evaluation of the nature of an economy or a system of organization or operationanalyse économique
economic competition The market condition where an individual or firm that wants to buy or sell a commodity or service has a choice of possible suppliers or customersconcurrence
economic competitionconcurrence
economic concentration The extent to which a market is taken up by producers within a given industryconcentration économique
economic datadonnée économique
economic data No definition neededdonnée économique
economic development The state of nations and the historical processes of change experienced by them, the extent to which the resources of a nation are brought into productive use; the concept of development subsumes associated social, cultural and political changes as well as welfare measuresdéveloppement économique
economic fire protection theorythéorie du moindre coût
economic fire-control theorythéorie du moindre coût
economic forecasting The production of estimates of future financial and commercial trends, based on econometric models or surveysprévision économique
economic geography The geography of people making a living, dealing with the spatial patterns of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The development of economic geography over the past three decades has witnessed the substitution of analysis for description, leading to an identification of the factors and an understanding of the processes affecting the spatial differentiation of economic activities over the earth's surfacegéographie économique
economic growth An increase over successive periods in the productivity and wealth of a household, country or region, as measured by one of several possible variables, such as the gross domestic productcroissance économique
economic incentive Rewards or penalties offered by government or management to induce an economic sector, company or group of workers to act in such a way as to produce results that plan objectives or policy goalsincitation économique
economic instrument Any tool or method used by an organization to achieve general developmental goals in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resourcesinstrument économique
economic instrumentinstrument économique
economic management instrument A tool or method used by any organization in the management of developmental processes used in the production of, or in the regulation of, material resourcesinstrument de gestion économique
economic management instrumentinstrument de gestion économique
economic opportunity costcoût d'opportunité économique
economic plan A design, scheme or project pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commoditiesplan économique
economic planning An economy in which prices, incomes etc. are determined centrally by government rather than through the operation of the free market, and in which industrial production is governed by an overall national planplanification économique
economic policy A definite course of action adopted and pursued by a government, political party or enterprise pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commoditiespolitique économique
economic recyclerrecycleur économique
economic region A district or an administrative division of a city or territory that is designed according to some material, distributive or productive criteriarégion économique
economic rights The just claims and legal guarantees to access, participate in and profit from the production, distribution and use of property, intellectual property, income and wealthdroits économiques
economic sector A part of a country's or region's commercial, industrial and financial activity, delimited either by public, corporate and private organization of expenditures or by agriculture, manufacturing and service product typessecteur économique
economic situation The complex of elements which, in a given period, characterize the condition or state of a country or region's ability to produce goods, services and other resources with exchange valuesituation économique
economic situationconjoncture
economic structure The underlying framework, including transportation and communications systems, industrial facilities, education and technology, that enables a country or region to produce goods, services and other resources with exchange valuestructure économique
economic support Any form of financial assistance or inducement for persons or institutionssoutien économique
economic system Organized sets of procedures used within or between communities to govern the production and distribution of goods and servicessystème économique
economic theory The study of relationships in the economy. Its purpose is to analyze and explain the behaviour of the various economic elements. The body of economic theory can be divided into two broad categories, positive theory and welfare theory. Positive theory is an attempt to analyze the operation of the economy without considering the desirability of its results in terms of ultimate goals. Welfare theory is concerned primarily with an evaluation of the economic system in terms of ethical goals which are not themselves derived from economic analysisthéorie économique
economic trendconjoncture
economic trend Changes of variables and parameters of an economic system, analysed in statistical calculationsconjoncture
economic viability Capability of developing and surviving as a relatively independent social, economic or political unitviabilité économique
economic zoning A land-use planning design or control where specific types of businesses or private sector investment are encouraged within designated boundarieszonage économique
economic zoningzonage économique
environmental economic valuation The assessment, evaluation, or appraisal of business performance in matters involving ecology and financesévaluation économique environnementale
environmental economic valuationévaluation économique environnementale
European Economic Community Treatytraité CE
European environmental economic accountscomptes économiques européens de l'environnement
foreign economic relationsrelations économiques extérieures
foreign economic relations Dealing in economic or monetary matters with foreign countriesrelations économiques extérieures
goal of individual economic business The aim, purpose, objective, or end for a profit-seeking enterprise engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a serviceobjectifs des entreprises
goal of individual economic businessobjectifs des entreprises
goals of individual economic businessesobjectifs des entreprises économiques individuelles
Group of Economic ExpertsGroupe des experts économiques
Guiding Principles Concerning International Economic Aspects of Environmental PoliciesPrincipes directeurs relatifs aux aspects économiques des politiques de l'environnement sur le plan international
Integrated Environmental and Economic Accountingcomptabilité économique et environnementale intégrée
Integrated Environmental and Economic Accountingcomptabilité écologique et économique intégrée
intensive economic exploitationexploitation économique intensive
international economic law The recognized rules guiding the commercial relations of at least two sovereign states or private parties involved in cross-border transactions, including regulations for trade, finance and intellectual propertydroit international économique
national economic costs The amount of money incurred as a result of the financial management of a nation's financial resourceséconomie nationale
non-economic environmental reasonsmotifs environnementaux non économiques
Technical and Economic Assessment PanelGroupe d'évaluation technique et économique
Technology and Economic Assessment PanelGroupe de l'évaluation technique et économique
Technology and Economic Assessment PanelGroupe d'évaluation technologique et économique