
Terms containing designer | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a designer of great talentun styliste de grand talent
gen.a highly talented designerun styliste de grand talent
lawabuse in relation to the designerconduite abusive à l'égard du créateur
avia., Canada, HRAIM Procedures Designerconcepteur de procédures AIM
comp., MSApplication DesignerConcepteur d'applications (One of the Distributed System Designers that comprise Team Architect. The Application Designer is used to design individual applications that comprise an application system)
lab.law.book designermetteur en pages
lab.law.book designerdessinateur-maquettiste
lab.law.book designermaquettiste
lab.law.Bureau of European Designer's AssociationsBureau des associations de designers européens
comp., MSCatalog Designer modulemodule Concepteur de catalogue (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog schema. Catalog schema consists of category definitions, product definitions, and property definitions. These components are the foundation of the categories, products, and properties in catalogs)
comp.chip designerconcepteur de puces
patents.citation of the designerdésignation du créateur
comp., MSClass DesignerConcepteur de classes (A fully-functional, visual design environment for the Common Language Runtime)
lab.law.commercial artist and industrial designerétalagiste
lab.law.commercial artist and industrial designerdécorateur
lab.law.commercial artist and industrial designerdessinateur-créateur de modèles
polit.commercial designerdessinateur créateur
IT, lab.law.computer designerconcepteur d'ordinateur
lab.law.costume designercréateur de costumes
lab.law.costume designercostumier
textileCouncil of Fashion Designers of AmericaConseil des créateurs de mode d'Amérique
comp., MSDashboard Designer Installation Sitesite d'installation Dashboard Designer (A Monitoring Server component that facilitates the download of Dashboard Designer into each users computer)
comp., MSDataset DesignerConcepteur de DataSet (A designer which provides a set of visual tools for working with ADO.NET Datasets, and XML Schemas)
lawdegree of freedom of the designerdegré de liberté du créateur
comp., MSDeployment DesignerConcepteur de deploiements (The designer used to create and manage Deployment Diagrams)
health., nat.sc.designer babybébé-médicament
social.sc.designer diplomacydiplomatie d'apparat
gen.designer dress with the label removed sold at a reduced pricerobe dégriffée
engl.designer drugdesigner drug
health.designer drugdrogue de synthèse
social.sc.designer drug" designer drug  "
med.designer drugmédicament bricolé
social.sc.designer drugsdrogues de confection
social.sc.designer drugsmédicaments bricolés
social.sc.designer drugsdesigner drugs
social.sc.designer drugsdrogues de synthèse
social.sc.designer drugsdrogues bricolées
gen.designer furnituremobilier design
gen.designer hairdressingla haute coiffure
gen.designer headscarf made by Hermèscarré Hermès® (a status symbol in France)
construct.designer'scréé par designer
lab.law., mater.sc.designer's helperaide dessinateur
commun., chem.designers colourpeinture d'affiche
comp., MSdiagram designerfenêtre Conception de diagrammes (A visual design surface that is used to create diagrams, for example, logical datacenter diagrams, class diagrams, and so on)
comp., MSDistributed System DesignerConcepteur de systèmes distribués (A set of design tools in Visual Studio 2005 Team Architect Edition that help reduce the complexity of developing and deploying service-oriented applications)
textilefashion designercréateur de modèle
textilefashion designercouturier
gen.fashion designergrand couturier
industr.ferro-concrete designerprojeteur calculateur en béton armé
construct.general designerbureau d'études général
construct.general designermaître de l'œuvre
commun., lab.law.graphic designergraphiste
org.name.Graphic Designer/IllustratorGraphiste/illustrateur
comp., MSgraphical query designerconcepteur de requêtes graphique (A query designer provided by the Reporting Services that allows the user to interactively build a query and view the results for data source types SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC)
comp.graphics designerdessineur
org.name.Graphics DesignerGraphiste
comp.graphics designerlogiciel de conception
comp.graphics designerconcepteur
comp.graphics designerlogiciel de dessin
gen.he buys his clothes from a young fashion designeril s'habille chez un jeune couturier
lab.law., construct.housing project designerchargé de projet en habitation
patents.individual designercréateur individuel
lab.law.industrial designerdessinateur-modélisteB
lab.law.industrial designerdessinateur-créateurL
lab.law., industr.industrial designerconcepteur-projeteur
lab.law., industr.industrial designeringénieur des méthodes
lab.law.industrial designerdessinateur d'art
comp., MSinteraction designerConcepteur d'interaction (" A designer who develops user interfaces and determines how a user will "interact" with a piece of software (i.e. click through menus, lists, etc. to get to information).")
construct.interior designerensemblier
construct.interior designerarchitecte décorateur
gen.interior designerarchitecte d'intérieur
industr.International Federation of Interior DesignersFédération internationale des architectes d'intérieur
environ., construct.landscape designerarchitecte-paysagiste
environ., construct.landscape designerarchitecte de jardins
environ.landscape designerarchitecte paysagiste
environ., construct.landscape designerpaysagiste
ITlanguage designercréateur d'un langage
gen.logic circuit designerconcepteur de circuits logiques
comp., MSLogical Datacenter DesignerConcepteur de centres de données logiques (The designer used to create and edit diagrams of interconnected logical servers that represent the logical structure of a datacenter)
construct.machinery designer draughtsmandessinateur mécanique
comp., MSMacro DesignerConcepteur de macros (A feature that helps users to define logic for Access forms and tables that run in the browser)
comp., MSMonitoring Plug-in for Report Designerplug-in de contrôle du Générateur de rapports (A data processing extension (DPE) that is deployed to Report Designer, a Visual Studio component. This DPE allows Report Designer to communicate with the Monitoring System database and allows Visual Studio users to customize the PerformancePoint Monitoring metadata that is contained within reports)
org.name.Multimedia DesignerChargé de la conception multimédia
comp., MSObject Relational DesignerConcepteur Objet Relationnel (A tool that provides a visual design surface for creating LINQ to SQL entity classes and associations (relationships) based on objects in a database. The Object Relational Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to System.Data.Linq.DataContext methods for returning data and manipulating entity classes)
comp., MSO/R DesignerConcepteur O/R (A tool that provides a visual design surface for creating LINQ to SQL entity classes and associations (relationships) based on objects in a database. The Object Relational Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to System.Data.Linq.DataContext methods for returning data and manipulating entity classes)
comp., MSOrchestration DesignerConcepteur d'orchestration (A graphical user-interface tool used to design and implement business processes)
lab.law., mater.sc.package designerdessinateur d'emballages
pack.package designerdessinateur d’emballages
gen.packaging designerdessinateur d'emballages
comp., MSPerformancePoint Dashboard DesignerPerformancePoint Dashboard Designer® (A client application that you use to create and manage dashboards, scorecards, reports, and other PerformancePoint items prior to deploying them within a dashboard to a SharePoint site)
comp., MSPipeline DesignerConcepteur de pipeline (A graphical user-interface tool used to create and configure pipelines in BizTalk Server)
market., lab.law.poster designeraffichiste
mater.sc.practical tool for designeroutil de conception pour le praticien
mater.sc.product designerconcepteur de produit
cinemaproduction designerchef décorateur
cinemaproduction designerdécorateur
cinemaproduction designerarchitecte-décorateur
comp., MSProject DesignerConcepteur de projet (A visual representation of the services ports and bindings that make up a project. Users can edit the visual items in the Project Designer by adding and removing services, and creating and removing bindings between compatible ports on the services in the designer)
gen.remove the designer labels from clothesdémarquer des vêtements
comp., MSReport DesignerConcepteur de rapports (A collection of design surfaces and graphical tools that are hosted within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment)
patents.right of the designer to be citeddroit du créateur d'être désigné
patents.right of the designer to be mentioneddroit du créateur à être désigné
cinemascenic designerchef décorateur
cinemascenic designerdécorateur
cinemascenic designerarchitecte-décorateur
avia., Canada, HRSenior Graphic Designerconcepteur graphique principal
comp., MSService Template Designerconcepteur de modèles de services (A graphical tool in the VMM console that is used to create and modify service templates)
cinemaset designerarchitecte-décorateur
lab.law.set designerchef décorateur
hobby, cultur.set designerdécorateur
construct.set designer's studioatelier de peinture et de décoration
gen.she gets her clothes from a top designerelle est habillée par un grand couturier
industr., construct.shoe designercréateur modéliste
comp., MSSite DesignerConcepteur de site (A tool that is used to create and personalize subscriber Web sites)
patents.skilled designercréateur qualifié
lab.law., mater.sc.Swiss Society of Industrial DesignersAssociation Suisse Industrial Designers
gen.Swiss Society of Industrial DesignersSID
comp., MSSystem DesignerConcepteur de systèmes (The designer used to create and edit system diagrams)
el., sec.sys.system designerconcepteur du système
ITsystem designeranalyste-programmeur
ITsystem designerprogrammeur-analyste
gen.system designerconcepteur d'applications
gen.system designeranalyste organique
comp., MSTable DesignerConcepteur de tables (A visual design surface that is used to create and edit TSQL tables and table related objects)
construct.technician designertechnicien d'études
construct.technician designerdessinateur d'études
avia., Canada, HRTelecommunications Designerconcepteur de télécommunications
avia., Canada, HRTelecommunications Network Designerconcepteur de réseau de télécommunications
comp., MSText-Based DesignerConcepteur texte (A text-based workflow editor that enables users to create and edit workflows by using declarative statements)
gen.the greatest fashion designers are represented on the catwalkles plus grandes signatures de la mode sont représentées dans le défilé
gen.the jacket was made by a famous designerla veste sortait de chez un grand couturier
gen.the top fashion designersles grands couturiers
lab.law., transp.tool designerdessinateur d'outils
lab.law., transp.tool designerdessinateur d'outillage
gen.top fashion designersl'élite de la haute couture
construct.urban designerurbaniste
comp., MSVisual DesignerConcepteur visuel (A Visio-based design surface that enables users to create and edit workflows visually by manipulating shapes that represent actions and conditions)
gen.wearing a complete outfit by a Japanese designerhabillé de pied en cap par un couturier japonais
comp., MSWindows Forms DesignerConcepteur Windows Forms (A tool that enables the rapid development of Windows-based applications. It allows you to add controls to a form, arrange them, and write code for their events)
comp., MSWorkflow DesignerConcepteur de flux de travail (A graphical tool used to create a workflow visually by representing actions and constraints as shapes that can be connected to form a complete schedule)