
Terms for subject Microsoft containing depth | all forms | exact matches only
depth axisaxe de profondeur (The third axis in a three-dimensional coordinate system, used in computer graphics to represent depth)
depth biasvaleur de profondeur (A value that controls the drawing order for polygons along the z-axis (depth of view))
depth of fieldprofondeur de champ (The measurement of the area in front of and behind the subject that is in focus)
expansion depthprofondeur de développement (The number of levels to which a minimized hierarchical scorecard can be opened)
gap depthprofondeur de l'intervalle (A measure that specifies the distance between data series that are displayed along distinct rows, as a result of clustering)
page depthprofondeur de pages (The extent to which links are followed within sites when crawling for content. Measured in number of links)
point depthprofondeur de point (The depth of data points displayed in a 3D chart area)