
Terms for subject Microsoft containing dedicated | all forms | exact matches only
dedicated adapteradaptateur dédié (The network adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles network traffic not related to cluster operations (the traffic for individual hosts on the network). This adapter is programmed with the host's dedicated IP address)
dedicated administrator connectionconnexion administrateur dédiée (A dedicated connection that allows an administrator to connect to a server when the Database Engine will not respond to regular connections)
dedicated connectionconnexion dédiée (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
dedicated lineligne dédiée (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
dedicated resourceressource dédiée (A resource that is committed to or reserved for a specific purpose)