
Terms for subject General containing contact points | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
contact pointpoint de jonction
EU contact-point network against corruptionréseau européen de lutte contre la corruption
EU contact-point network against corruptionréseau de points de contact contre la corruption
European network of contact points in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimesréseau génocide
MTCR Reinforced Point of Contact meetingréunion du point de contact renforcé du RCTM
National Contingent Point of Contactpoint de contact des contingents nationaux
point of contactorgane de contact
Point of Contactpoint de contact
point of contactpoint de tangence
point of contact with the groundpoint de contact avec le sol
point of operational contactpoint de contact opérationnel
Reinforced Point of Contactpoint de contact renforcé
single point of contactpoint de contact unique