
Terms for subject Microsoft containing compound | all forms | exact matches only
compound controlcontrôle composé (A control and an attached label, such as a text box with an attached label)
compound filefichier composé (A number of individual files bound together in one physical file where each individual file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file)
compound file directoryrépertoire de fichier composé (A structure used to contain per-stream information about the streams in a compound file)
compound keyframeimage clé composée (In an animation timeline, a type of keyframe that indicates that the property has child properties that have simple keyframes set on them. You can work with compound keyframes in order to modify large groups of properties at once with a single selection, for example when moving keyframes along the timeline)
compound pathtracé composite (A path that is made up of two or more sub-paths)
Release Compound PathAnnuler le tracé composite (A tool that is used to release all of the paths that went into making the compound path)