
Terms for subject Environment containing compound | all forms | exact matches only
absorbable halogen compoundcomposé organohalogène absorbable
absorbable halogen compoundcomposé halogénique absorbable
acid compoundcomposé acide
acidic compoundcomposé acide
adding lead alkyl compounds to petrol as anti-knock devicesajouter des produits antidétonants à l'essence sous forme de combinaisons plomb-alcoyle
adsorbable organic halogen compoundcomposé organohalogéné adsorbable
adsorbed organic halogen compoundshalogènes adsorbés organiquement liés
alicyclic compound Any substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds characterized by straight-chained, branched or cyclic propertiescomposé alicyclic
alicyclic compoundcomposé alicyclic
aliphatic compoundcomposés aliphatiques
aliphatic compound Any organic compound of hydrogen and carbon characterized by a straight chain of the carbon atomscomposés aliphatiques
alkyl compoundcomposé alkylique
alkyl compound Compound containing one or more alkyl radicalscomposé alkylique
alkyl mercury compoundcomposés de l'alkylmercure
anti-drumming compoundmatériau d'insonorisation
anti-fouling compoundproduit antifouling
aromatic compound Compounds characterized by the presence of at least one benzene ringcomposé aromatique
breakdown of organic compoundsdécomposition de substances organiques
breakdown of organic compoundsdécomposition de substance organique
bromine containing compoundscomposés bromés
carbonyl compoundcomposé carbonyle
chemical compoundsubstance chimique
chemical compoundcomposé
chemical compound in detergentscomposés chimiques entrant dans le détergent
chlorine containing compoundscomposés chlorés
chlorofluorocarbon compoundcomposé hydrocarbure chlorofluoré
Committee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsComité pour l'adaptation au progrès technique et l'application de la directive relative à la lutte contre les émissions de composés organiques volatils COV résultant du stockage de l'essence et de sa distribution des terminaux aux stations-service
compound of nitrogencomposé azoté
compound of nitrogencomposé d'azote
compound of nitrogencombinaison azotée
Council Directive on the control of volatile organic compound emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsdirective Etape I
Council Directive on the control of volatile organic compound emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsProposition de directive du Conseil relative à la lutte contre les émissions de composés organiques volatils résultant du stockage du pétrole et de sa distribution des terminaux aux stations-services
ecotoxicity of chemical compoundsécotoxicité du composé chimique
emission of shorter-lived compoundsémission de composés à vie courte
extractable organic halogen compoundcomposé organohalogéné extractible
extractable Organic Halogen Compoundscomposés organohalogénés extractibles
to fertilise the ocean with iron compoundsfertiliser l'océan avec des composés de fer
halogenated compoundcomposé halogène
halogenated compoundcomposé halogéné
halogenated compound A substance containing halogen atomscomposé halogéné
halogenated volatile organic compoundcomposé organique volatil halogéné
heterocyclic compoundhétérocycle
heterocyclic compound Compound in which the ring structure is a combination of more than one kind of atomhétérocycle
inorganic compoundscomposé minéral
iron compound filter-plantdispositif de curage par composés de fer
lead compound Lead compounds are present as gasoline additives, in paint, ceramic products, roofing, caulking, electrical applications, tubes, or containers. Lead exposure may be due to air, water, food, or soil. Lead in the air is primarily due to lead-based fuels and the combustion of solid waste, coal, oils, and emissions from alkyl lead manufacturers, wind blown dust volcanoes, the burning of lead-painted surfaces, and cigarette smoke. Lead in drinking water comes from leaching from lead pipes, connectors, and solder in both the distribution system and household plumbingcomposé de plomb
lead compoundcomposé de plomb
leaded anti-knock compound sludgesboues de composés antidétonants au plomb
management of super-toxic compoundsgestion de composés supertoxiques
metalplastic compound structurestructure galvanoplastique
nitro compoundcomposés nitro
nitro compound Any one of a class of usually organic compounds that contain the monovalent group, -NO2 (nitro group or radical) linked to a carbon atomcomposé nitré
nitro compoundcomposé nitré
nitrogen compoundcomposé azoté
nitrogen compoundcombinaison azotée
nitrogen compoundcomposé d'azote
nitrometallic compoundcomposant nitrométallique
non-methane volatile organic compoundscomposés organiques volatils non méthaniques
organic chlorine compoundorganochloré
organic halogen compoundcomposé organo-halogène
organic silicon compoundcomposé organo-silic
organo-chlorine compoundorganochloré
organo-chlorine compoundcomposé organo-chloré
organochlorine compound Organic compounds containing a C-Cl bondcomposé organochloré
organohalogen compoundcomposé organo-halogéné
organohalogen compoundcomposé organo-halogène
organohalogen compoundcomposé organohalogèné
organohalogen compoundorgahalogéné
organohalogen compoundcomposé organohalogène
organohalogen compound Organic compounds containing a C-halogen bondcomposé organohalogèné
organohalogen compoundcomposé organique halogéné
organohalogenated compoundcomposé organohalogéné
organo-mercuric compoundsorgano-mercures
organometallic compound Molecules containing carbon-metal linkage; a compound containing an alkyl or aryl radical bonded to a metalcomposé organométallique
organometallic compoundcomposé organométallique
organonitrogen compoundcomposé organique azoté
organonitrogen compoundcomposés organiques azotés
organonitrogen compound Organic compounds having a C-N bondcomposé organique azoté
organooxygen compoundcomposés organiques d'oxygène
organooxygen compoundcomposé organique oxygéné
organooxygen compound Compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic, which have a C-O bond, including alcohols, aldehydes, etc.composé organique oxygéné
organophosphorous compound Pesticides that contain phosphorous; short-lived, but some can be toxic when first appliedcomposé organophosphoré
organosilicon compound Any natural substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds and containing silicon, a non-metallic element often found in rocks or mineralscomposé organosilicié
organosilicon compoundcomposé organosilicié
organosulphur compoundcomposés organosulfurés
organosulphur compoundcomposé organosulfuré
organosulphur compound One of a group of substances which contain both carbon and sulfurcomposé organosulfuré
organotin compound Chemical compounds used in anti-foulant paints to protect the hulls of boats and ships, buoys and pilings from marine organisms such as barnaclescomposé organostannique
oxidised sulphur compoundcomposé de soufre oxydé
pathway of anthropogenic compoundscheminement des composés anthropiques
permitted lead-compound contentteneur autorisée en composés de plomb
persistent organic compoundcomposé organique persistant
pharmaceutical compoundcomposé pharmaceutique
photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compoundspellicules et papiers photographiques contenant de l'argent ou des composés de l'argent
photographic film and paper free of silver or silver compoundspellicules et papiers photographiques sans argent ni composés de l'argent
Protocol concerning the Control of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxesprotocole relatif à la lutte contre les émissions de composés organiques volatils ou leurs flux transfrontières
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary FluxesProtocole à la Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontière à longue distance, relatif à la lutte contre les émissions de composés organiques volatils ou leurs flux transfrontières
reduced nitrogen compoundcomposé d'azote réduit
removal of sulfur compoundsdésulfuration
saline solutions containing nitrates and related compoundssolutions salines contenant des nitrates et composés dérivés
salts and solutions containing organic compoundssels et solutions contenant des composés organiques
substitution of halogenated compounds Halogenated compounds, because of their toxical and persistent character, should be substituted by environmental friendly compounds, like water-based fat solvents in metal processing industry or water-based coating agentssubstitution de composés halogénés
substitution of halogenated compoundssubstitution de composés halogénés
sulfur compoundcomposé sulfuré
sulfur compoundcomposé sulfuréux
sulfur compoundcomposé soufre
sulfur compoundcomposé de soufre
sulphur compoundcomposé soufre
sulphur compoundcomposé de soufre
sulphur compoundcomposé sulfuréux
surface active compound Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifierscomposé tensio-actif
surface active compoundcomposé tensio-actif
total volatile organic compoundscomposés organiques volatiles totaux
toxic compoundcomposé toxique
trace compoundcomposé trace
trace compounds in the atmospherecomposés en trace de l'atmosphère
volatile organic compoundcomposé organique volatil
volatile organic compound Organic compound readily passing off by evaporationcomposé organique volatil
volatile organic compoundcomposant organique volatil
volatile organic compoundscomposés organiques volatils