
Terms for subject General containing chests | all forms | exact matches only
a stabbing pain in the chestune douleur qui déchire la poitrine
beat one's chestse frapper la poitrine
chest expanders exercisersextenseurs exerciseurs
chest expanders exercisersexerciseurs extenseurs
chest packventral
chest-pack parachuteparachute ventral
chest-relateddu thorax
chests of drawerscommodes
chests of metal for foodgarde-manger métalliques
did he listen to your chest?il t'a ausculté?
fire-resistant record chestcoffre réfractaire
flail chestenfoncement du thorax
get shot in the chestrecevoir une décharge en pleine poitrine
get shot in the chestprendre une décharge en pleine poitrine
get things off one's chestvider son sac
get things off one's chestlâcher le paquet
have a weak chestavoir la poitrine faible
he played his cards very close to his chest!il a bien caché son jeu (figuré)
heart and chest-relatedsitué en avant du coeur
his chest was heaving with sobsde gros sanglots soulevaient sa poitrine
I can feel a twinge of pain in my chestj'ai un point au poumon
I feel as if my chest is going to burstj'ai l'impression que ma poitrine va éclater
ice chestsglacières
meat chests not of metal garde-manger non métalliques
medicine chestarmoire à pharmacie
Recommendation concerning the Contents of Medicine Chests on Board ShipRecommandation concernant le contenu des pharmacies de bord des navires
relating to an organ in the chest areades viscères
the curved legs of a chest of drawersles pieds galbés d'une commode
tool chests of metal emptycoffres à outils en métal vides