
Terms for subject Microsoft containing check | all forms | exact matches only
auto-consistency checkvérification automatique des incohérences (A feature that automatically runs a consistency check on protected data sources when it detects an inconsistent replica)
check boxcase à cocher (" A control that indicates whether or not an option is selected. A check mark or "x" appears in the box when the option is selected.")
check cardcarte de crédit (A type of bank card where the amount of purchase is immediately withdrawn from the user's bank account)
check clauseclause de vérification (Code that enforces constraints on a table or column)
CHECK constraintcontrainte CHECK (A constraint that allows for business rules that span multiple tables. For example, the Order table could have a CHECK constraint that would prevent orders for a customer from exceeding a credit limit defined for the customer in the Customer table)
check datedate du chèque (The date on the check)
check insignaler sa localisation (" To indicate that a user is in a certain place or location. Users "check in" to a physical place to share their location with their friends. ")
check inarchiver (To place a file or project back in a source repository. This releases the lock for editing and enables other users to view the updated file or check out the file)
check insignaler (" To indicate that a user is in a certain place or location. Users "check in" to a physical place to share their location with their friends. ")
check inenregistrer (To save the changes in a runbook to the database)
check-in notenote d'archivage (A comment associated with a changeset that is added during the check-in process by prompting the user for specific data)
check-in policystratégie d'archivage (A policy that provides the ability to validate compliance with organizational rules for a team project)
check-in testtest de vérification (A test run by a developer to determine whether his code has affected the general stability of the product)
check letterlettre d'accompagnement de chèque (A payment letter that accompanies a check and which lists the documents that are paid by the check. Used for French check format)
check listliste de contrôle (A set of standards that a deliverable or task should meet or a list of possible errors)
check markcoche (A small x or other sign that appears in the check box if the option represented by the box is selected)
Check NamesVérifier les noms (A button on the message toolbar that compares the names in the To, Cc, and Bcc boxes against the names in the Address Book and against those contact folders that you've specified as Outlook Address Books)
check numbernuméro de chèque (A unique identification number that is assigned to a check)
check outRégler (To finalize a purchase on a Web site. For example, when customers shop on your Web site, they may select several items and save them in their shopping basket. When they have finished shopping, they click on a checkout link or graphical button that takes them to an online form where they enter their name, billing address, payment type, and shipping information)
check outextraire (To retrieve a writable copy of a file or project from a source repository. This locks the file for editing to prevent others from overwriting or editing it inadvertently)
check outmodifier (To allow edits to a runbook)
check registerregistre de chèques (A list of all transactions for a specific checkbook)
consistency checkvérification de cohérence (The process by which DPM checks for and corrects inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica. A consistency check is performed only when normal mechanisms for recording changes to protected volumes and for applying those changes to replicas have been interrupted)
credit limit checkvérification de la limite de crédit (A calculation to determine whether a customer's outstanding balance is within the maximum credit allowed for that customer)
cyclic redundancy checkcontrôle de redondance cyclique (A procedure used in checking for errors in data transmission. CRC error checking uses a complex calculation to generate a number based on the data transmitted. The sending device performs the calculation before transmission and includes it in the packet that it sends to the receiving device. The receiving device repeats the same calculation after transmission. If both devices obtain the same result, it is assumed that the transmission was error free. The procedure is known as a redundancy check because each transmission includes not only data but extra (redundant) error-checking values. Communications protocols such as XMODEM and Kermit use cyclical redundancy checking)
cyclical redundancy checkcontrôle de redondance cyclique (A procedure used in checking for errors in data transmission. CRC error checking uses a complex calculation to generate a number based on the data transmitted. The sending device performs the calculation before transmission and includes it in the packet that it sends to the receiving device. The receiving device repeats the same calculation after transmission. If both devices obtain the same result, it is assumed that the transmission was error free. The procedure is known as a redundancy check because each transmission includes not only data but extra (redundant) error-checking values. Communications protocols such as XMODEM and Kermit use cyclical redundancy checking)
declarative security checkvérification de sécurité déclarative (Declarative security information in metadata. Developers can use such declarations, which are usually written as custom attributes, to invoke several kinds of security functionality - require permissions to bind reference to the code, require permissions to derive a type, demand that callers have certain permissions, and so on)
frame check sequenceséquence de vérification de trame (The extra checksum characters added to a frame in a communication protocol for error detection and correction. Source: Wikipedia)
gated check-inarchivage contrôlé (A feature that enables you to validate changes before you check them in. Gated check-in builds the code and runs the necessary tests. If the build succeeds, it lets you check in your changes. Otherwise, it rejects them)
idempotency checkcontrôle d'unicité (A check to ensure that each unique document is received once and only once)
imperative security checkvérification de sécurité impérative (A security check that occurs when a security method is called within the code that is being protected. This type of check can be data-driven and can be isolated to a single location within an object or method. For example, if the name of a file to be protected is known only at run time, an imperative security check can be invoked by passing the file name as a parameter to a security method)
manual check distributionrépartition manuelle de chèques (The process of dividing up amounts from manually entered checks to accounts)
non-negotiable checkchèque non négociable (A non-negotiable instrument ordering a drawee organization to pay a specified amount of money to the holder)
price checkvérification de prix (The process of looking up a price)
synchronization with consistency checkSynchronisation avec vérification de cohérence (A feature that enables the user to check for and correct inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica)