
Terms for subject Transport containing are | all forms | exact matches only
... airlines are only allowed to self-handle ramp and passengerles compagnies ... ne peuvent assurer que leurs propres services d'escale services de piste, passagers
bodies which are governed by public law and which administer transport servicesorganismes relevant du droit public et gérant des services de transport
Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the CommunityListe des compagnies aériennes qui font l'objet d'une interdiction d'exploitation dans l'UE
Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the UnionListe des compagnies aériennes qui font l'objet d'une interdiction d'exploitation dans l'UE
layout in which switches are worked by separate control devicesaiguillage à manoeuvre individuelle
list of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban in the CommunityListe des compagnies aériennes qui font l'objet d'une interdiction d'exploitation dans l'UE
occupation of the parking area when remote supply services are usedremisage avec alimentation à distance
part of these train-formation tracks are used as stabling or reserve sidingune partie des voies de formation sert de voie de garage
place where they are normally keptpoint d'attache normal
public-address system through which the stops are announcedéquipement de sonorisation pour l'annonce des arrêts
route on which charges are basedroute de formation
route on which fares are basedroute de formation
Specific Community programme of accompanying social measures to assist workers in the shipbuilding industry who are made redundant or threatened with redundancyProgramme communautaire spécifique de mesures d'accompagnement social en faveur des travailleurs de la construction navale licenciés ou menacés de licenciement
station at which stops are madegare d'escale
station at which stops are madeescale
the dikes are m apartl'espacement des épis est de ... m
the groins are m apartl'espacement des épis est de ... m
the groynes are m apartl'espacement des épis est de ... m
the points are half-openl'aiguille baille
to verify that they are in accordance with...s'assurer de leur conformité avec...