
Terms for subject Environment containing agent | all forms | exact matches only
a subject to whom a chelating agent, such as penicillamine,is givensujet soumis à l'administration d'un chélateur comme la pénicillamine
abiotic agentagent abiotique
agent for cleaning oil spillagent de dépollution de déversement d'hydrocarbure
antiflooding agentagent antiflamboyant
anti-foam agentanti-écume
antifouling agent Agent that inhibits the growth of barnacles and other marine organisms on a ship's bottom (an antifouling paint or other coating). Organo-tin compounds have been the most often used agents in this application since they are effective against both soft and hard fouling organisms. However, in spite of their performance, they have a negative impact on the marine environment and their long half life in the environment, has prompted marine paint manufacturers to look for a nonpersistent alternativeproduit antivégétal
antifouling agentagent antisalissures
antifouling agentantifouling
binding agentagglomérant
binding agentliant
biodegradable surface active agentagent de surface biodégradable
biotic agentagent biotique
bleaching agent 1. A chemical, such as an aromatic acyl peroxide or monoperoxiphthalic acid, used to bleach flour, fats, oils and other edibles. 2. An oxidizing or reducing chemical such as sodium hypochlorite, sulfur dioxide, sodium acid sulfite, or hydrogen peroxideagent de blanchiment
chemical neutralization agentagent chimique neutralisant
cleansing agentagent purificateur
cleansing agentagent lavant
colour retention agentagent de maintenance des colorants
complexing agent A substance capable of forming a complex compound with another material in solutionagent complexant
demulsifying agentagent désémulsionnant
demulsifying agentdésémulsionneur
demulsifying agentagent désémulsifiant
dispersing agentagent de dispersion
environmental agentagent environnemental
exposure to certain physical agents: vibration, electromagnetic radiationl'exposition à certains agents physiques: vibrations, rayonnements électromagnétiques
fire extinguishing agentproduit extincteur
fire extinguishing agentproduit d'extinction
fire protection agentagent de protection incendie
fireproofing agentagent d'ignifugation
flocculating agentagent de floculation
flocking agentfloculant
flocking agentcoagulant
fluoridation agentagent de fluoration
foaming agent Substances which make it possible to form a homogenous dispersion of a gaseous phase in a liquid or solid mediumagent moussant
forwarding agent A person or business that specializes in the shipment and receiving of goodstransporteur
forwarding agenttransporteur
forwarding agentcourrier de fret
friction reducing agentproduit anti-tension
gelling agentagent solidifiant
gelling agentagent gélifiant
impregnating agent A material used to fill holes in wood, plaster, or other surfaces before applying a coating such as paint or varnishagent d'imprégnation
inorganic pesticides, biocides and wood preserving agentspesticides inorganiques, biocides et agents de protection du bois
masking agentagent masquant
mould-release agentdémoulant
mould-release agentproduit démoulant
noxious agentnuisance
noxious agentélément nocif
oil binding agent Highly absorbent agents used for physically removing spilled oil in case of leakages and oil accidents occurring in water bodies, industry, work-shops, on roads, etc. Materials that have been found useful for this service vary from simple, naturally occurring materials such as straw, sawdust, and peat to synthetic agents, such as polyurethane foam and polystyrene powderagglutinant du pétrole
oil binding agentagglutinant du pétrole
oxidising agentagent oxydant
oxidising agent Compound that gives up oxygen easily, removes hydrogen from another compound, or attracts negative electronsagent oxydant
parting agentproduit démoulant
parting agentdémoulant
photochemical agentréactif photochimique
photochemical agentréactifs et effets photochimiques
photochemical agent Agents which trigger off photochemical reactionsréactif photochimique
plugging agentcolmatant
policy making agentsagents directeurs
Policy making agentsagents directeurs
pollinating agentagent pollinisateur
pollinating agentpollinisateur
polluting agentagent polluant
polluting agentpolluant
polluting agentsubstance polluante
release agentproduit démoulant
release agentdémoulant
sinking agentagent de coulage
softening agent 1. A substance added to another substance to increase its softness, pliability, or plasticity. 2. A substance, such as a zeolite, for softening wateradoucisseur
softening agentplastifiant
softening agentadoucisseur
solidifying agentagent solidifiant
solidifying agentgélifiant
solidifying agentagent gélifiant
sulphidising agentagent de sulfuration
surface-active agent A substance that, when used in small quantities, modifies the surface properties of liquids or solids. A surface-active agent reduces surface tension in a fluid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible fluids, such as oil and water. Surfactants are particularly useful in accomplishing the wetting or penetration of solids by aqueous liquids and serve in the manner of detergent, emulsifying, or dispersing agents. They are more effective than soap in certain situations and are used by conservators for such purposes as cleaning, wetting, and dispersingagent tensio-actif
surface-active agentsurfactif
toxic agentagent toxique
urine collected after administering a chelating agenturine recueillie après administration de chelateur
wastes from preserving agentsdéchets d'agents de conservation
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesdéchets provenant de la FFDU des pesticides organiquessauf 02 01 05
wastes from the MFSU of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesdéchets provenant de la FFDU des pesticides organiquessauf 02 01 05
wood preserving agentagent de protection du bois