
Terms containing Version | all forms | exact matches only
med.abdominal versionversion par manœuvres externes
work.fl., ITabridged versionversion abrégée
IT, tech.abridged version of a documentversion abrégée d'un document
law, market.abridged version of the balance-sheetprésentation abrégée du bilan
ITactive versionversion active
transp.aircraft versionversion d'un type donné d'aéronef
comp., MSalpha versionversion alpha (A very early release of a product to get preliminary feedback about the feature set and usability)
comp.alpha versionversion alpha (preliminary version of a software)
earth.sc., tech.American Effective Temperature and its new version ET*température effective américaine et sa nouvelle version ET*
earth.sc., tech.American Effective Temperature and its new version ET*"star"température effective américaine et sa nouvelle version ET*
ITautomatically produced language versionsgénération automatique des versions linguistiques
social.sc.beefed-up versionversion renforcée
ITbeta versionversion beta
comp.beta versionversion bêta (of a software)
meas.inst.bifilar version of Wulf string electrometerélectromètre de Wulf bifilaire
comp., MSbill of material versionversion de nomenclature (A specific configuration of a bill of material (BOM) to include an item. An item can be associated with a number of BOM versions)
med.bimanual versionversion bimanuelle
med.bipolar versionversion mixte
med.bipolar versionversion bipolaire
comp., MSBOM versionversion de nomenclature (A specific configuration of a bill of material (BOM) to include an item. An item can be associated with a number of BOM versions)
ling.bowdlerized versionversion expurgée
med.Braxton Hicks versionméthode de Braxton Hicks
med.Braxton Hicks versionmanoeuvre de Braxton Hicks
med.Braxton-Hicks versionversion bimanuelle de Braxton-Hicks
work.fl., ITbrief versionversion abrégée
fin.broad version of the money supplymasse monétaire au sens large
med.cephalic versionversion céphalique
interntl.trade.certified version of the Agreementtexte certifié de l'accord
comp., MSclassic versionversion classique (The version that uses checkboxes and does not include a reading pane. It is recommneded for users with a slow internet connection)
comp., MSclient version filterfiltre de version du client (Restricts the client versions that are used in a Lync Server environment)
comp., MSclient version policystratégie de la version client (A set of client version rules that defines the actions to be taken when users try to log on with specific clients and client versions)
transp., polit.Coach versionversion touriste
lawcodified versiontexte codifié
lawcodified versionversion codifiée
transp.combined passenger-freight versionformule des avions mixtes cargo-passagers
med.combined versionversion mixte
med.combined versionversion bipolaire
IT, dat.proc.comparison of versionscomparaison de versions
work.fl., ITcondensed versionversion abrégée
avia., Canada, tech.Configuration Management Version ControlContrôle de la version de gestion de la configuration
UN, lawconflicting versionsversions contradictoires
lawconsolidated versiontexte consolidé
EU.consolidated versionversion consolidée (of a Treaty)
lawconsolidated versionversion consolidée
gen.consolidated version of the treatiestraités consolidés
comp., MScurrent versionversion actuelle (Version of a file most recently stored in a Visual SourceSafe database. The current version of the file has the highest version number)
gen.definitive versionversion qui fait autorité
comp., MSdemo versionversion de démonstration (A partial or limited version of a software package distributed free of charge for advertising purposes. Demos often consist of animated presentations that describe or demonstrate the program's features)
construct.design solution versionvariante de conception de projet
comp.desktop versionversion tabulaire
IT, dat.proc.device-dependent versionversion dépendant du mode de traitement
lawdifferences between the different language versionsdivergences entre les différentes versions linguistiques
ITdigitized version of retina printsdescription numérisée des empreintes rétiniennes
fin., ITdigitized version of signaturedescription numérisée de la signature
ITdirectory versionversion
ITdirectory versionrévision
transp., mater.sc.distinct parts versionversion "éléments séparés"
IT, dat.proc.document versionversion d'un document
transp.double cab versionchâssis à double cabine
tech., industr., construct.dubbed versionversion doublée
social.sc.equivalence of the different language versionséquivalence des versions linguistiques
med.external versionversion par manœuvres externes
ITfallback versionversion en réserve
cinemafilm versionversion cinématographique
work.fl.final user versionversion finale destinée à l'utilisateur
comp., MSfixed versionversion définitive (A file version that prohibits the viewer from making edits)
comp., MSfloating version rightsdroits de version flottants (The categories of software licenses that are available for purchase from Microsoft and that grant the purchaser the right to use the latest version of a software title as it becomes available, throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
comp., MSfull versionversion complète (The default version that includes drag-and-drop functionality, right-click menus, and a reading pane)
gen.give me the short version!ne me fais pas tout un laïus!
gen.give the correct version of somethingfaire un corrigé de (quelque chose)
transp., mater.sc.growth version of syldasylda de croissance
comp., MShardware versionVersion du matériel (A number that identifies the type of computer hardware that is responsible for metering and securing a computer)
IT, dat.proc.hardware version codeindice de version
med.Hecker version slinglacs de version de Hecker
med.Hick's versionversion bimanuelle de Braxton-Hicks
transp., polit.high density versionversion haute densité
comp.high-speed versionversion à vitesse élevée
comp.high-speed versionversion rapide
gen.his first version of the facts was so much more believable!combien plus crédible était sa première version des faits!
gen.his version contradicts yourssa version contredit la tienne
gen.his version is at variance with yourssa version contredit la tienne
gen.in the original version with subtitlesen VO sous-titrée
commun., IT, industr.Internet Protocol version 6protocole internet nouvelle génération
comp., MSInternet Protocol version 4protocole IPv4 (An Internet Protocol that has 32-bit source and destination addresses. IPv4 is the predecessor of IPv6)
gen.I've heard several versions of that storyj'ai entendu plusieurs sons de cloche
social.sc., lab.law.language versionversion linguistique
comp., MSlatest versiondernière version (The most recent or current version of a software release)
comp., MSlocalized versionversion localisée (A version of a program that has been translated into another language, also known as an international version. For example, France, Hungary, and the United States all use different localized versions of Microsoft Word)
ITLotus 1-2-3 version 3 worksheetfeuille de calcul Lotus 1-2-3
ITLotus 1-2-3 version 1.0 worksheetfeuille de calcul Lotus 1-2-3
ITLotus 1-2-3 version 1 worksheetfeuille de calcul Lotus 1-2-3
comp.low-power versionversion à consommation réduite
el.major versionversion majeure
comp., MSmajor versionversion principale (Component of the strong name that specifies an assembly's identity. A strong name includes a simple text name, major version number, minor version number, and culture information (if provided), plus a public key and a digital signature. It is generated from an assembly file using the corresponding private key. (The assembly file contains the assembly manifest, which contains the names and hashes of all the files that make up the assembly))
comp., MSmajor versionversion majeure (A version that is ready for a larger group to see or that has changed significantly since the previous major version)
comp.medium-speed versionversion normale
comp.medium-speed versionversion à vitesse moyenne
comp., MSMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 4.0Fournisseur OLE DB Microsoft pour DB2 Version 4.0 (An OLE DB provider that allows the user to create distributed applications targeting IBM DB2 databases)
el.minor versionversion mineure
comp., MSminor versionversion mineure (A version that is in progress or that has changed only slightly since the previous version)
lawmission versionréglementation locale
lawmission versionrèglement local
lawmodel mission versionmodèle de réglementation locale
reliabil.N-version programmingprogrammation multiversion
econ.non-confidential versionversion non confidentielle
stat.number of versionsnombre de variantes
stat.number of versionsnombre de niveaux d'un facteur
IToperating system versionversion d'un système de commande
commun.original versionversion originale
commun.original versionVO
cinemaoriginal versionVO.
ITpackaged versionversion empaquetée
gen.paper versionsupport papier
med.pelvic versionversion sur le siège
med.podalic versionversion podalique
IT, dat.proc.pony versionversion bridée
IT, dat.proc.pony versionproduit bridé
comp., MSPost Office Protocol version 3protocole POP3 (An Internet standard protocol that allows a user to download e-mail from his or her inbox on a server to the client computer where messages are managed. This protocol works well for computers that are unable to maintain a continuous connection to a server)
ITprint versionversion papier
ITprogram versionversion du programme
IT, dat.proc.public text display versionversion de présentation du texte public
gen.revised versionversion révisée
IT, dat.proc.sample versionversion-échantillon
gen.sanitized versionversion expurgée
law, ITserver versionversion serveur
IT, dat.proc.software package versionversion d'un logiciel
dat.proc.software versionversion de logiciel
telecom.software versionversion du logiciel
IT, dat.proc.software version codeindice de version
telecom.software version modificationmodification du logiciel
transp.stretched versionversion agrandie
transp., mater.sc.sylda reference versionsylda de référence
avia., Canada, tech.system version descriptiondescription de la version du système
transp., polit.tentative versionébauche
work.fl.test versionversion expérimentale
gen.that's the official version of what happenedc'est la version officielle des faits
lawthe applicant notes that the versions in the various languages are not in accordancele requérant note que les différentes versions linguistiques ne sont pas concordantes
gen.The decision exists in all languages, but English / French is the sole authentic version of the agreement. Translations of the text of the agreement will be published in the Official Journal.La décision existe dans toutes les langues, mais, pour l'accord, la version anglaise / française est la seule qui fait foi. Les traductions du texte de l'accord seront publiées au Journal officiel.
gen.this is my version of the factsvoici ma version des faits
gen.this version of the facts is borne out by the presscette version des faits est attestée par la presse
mater.sc., mech.eng.twenty ft versionconteneur de vingt pieds
gen.unabridged versiontexte intégral
IT, tech.updated versionmise à jour
engl.Version 0Version 0
ITversion controlcontrôle de version
ITversion controlversionnement
comp., MSversion controlcontrôle de version (The process of maintaining a database of all the source code and related files in a software development project to keep track of changes made during the project)
comp., MSversion control labelétiquette de contrôle de version (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a snapshot of a set of files at a specific point in time. It is often applied by an automated build process. It can be used to view, build, or even roll back a large set of files to the state they were in when the label was applied)
avia., Canada, tech.version description documentdocument de description de la version
comp., MSversion historyhistorique des versions (A feature that tracks and stores a record of a shared document when it is first created, and each time it is edited)
work.fl., commun.version identifieridentificateur de version
comp., MSversion limitnombre limite de versions (The number of previous major versions of a document to retain in the repository when the document is approved)
ITversion numbernuméro de la version
comp., MSversion numbernuméro de version (A number assigned by a software developer to identify a particular program at a particular stage, before and after public release. Successive public releases of a program are assigned increasingly higher numbers. Version numbers usually include decimal fractions. Major changes are usually marked by a change in the whole number, whereas for minor changes only the number after the decimal point increases)
work.fl., commun.version numbernuméro de version
lawversion of the treatyversion du traité
comp., MSversion policystratégie de version (The rules that specify which version of dependent assemblies to bind to. Version polices are expressed using configuration files)
ITversion spaceespace des versions
econ.version used for the collection of basic statisticsramification collecte des statistiques de base
econ.version used in collecting statisticsramification destinée à la collecte des statistiques de base
transp.version with a normal cabversion avec cabine normale
transp., tech.version with a sleeper cabversion avec couchette
med.Wigand's versionversion de Wigand (external)
transp., environ.zero-version reportversion "zéro" du rapport