
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Value | all forms | exact matches only
ABC code valuecode ABC de la valeur (The categorization of an inventory item based on its value compared to the total inventory on hand)
actual valuevaleur réelle (A value for a KPI that is compared to a predefined target value)
adjusted price valuevaleur prix ajusté (Similar to adjusted price, except it is not displayed in the local currency (that is, there is no currency associated with the price))
aperture valuevaleur d'ouverture (In photography, the diameter of the aperture expressed in terms of the focal length of the camera lens. The greater the f-number, the less light reaches the film and the more in focus the objects in the foreground and the background will be. For example, with an f-number = 16 the objects in the far background will be in focus. Whereas, with an f-number = 2 the background will be blurry (while foreground objects are in focus))
aspect valuevaleur d'aspect (The x-height of a font divided by the font size. The aspect value indicates the relative legibility of a font for a given font size. A higher aspect ratio indicates that a font is more legible)
book valuevaleur comptable (The net value of an asset reported on a statement of financial position)
calculated valuevaleur calculée (A read-only value that is the result of a lookup or calculation against the data using an XPath expression)
canary valuevaleur du contrôle de validité (A predetermined value that must be present in a client-server request for the request to be considered valid)
Card Verification Valuevaleur de vérification de la carte (A code that credit card companies use to authorize credit card charges. For example, American Express uses a four-digit number on the front of the credit card, and Visa, MasterCard, and Discover use a three-digit number on the back)
Category ValueValeur de la catégorie (A field that allows the user to specify a basic category of business activity that is involved in one type of business)
comma-separated value filefichier de valeurs séparées par des virgules (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
contract valuevaleur du contrat (The price to be paid for a fixed-price project)
database column valuevaleur de colonne de base de données (The placeholder for a database field displayed inside a database results region)
default valuevaleur par défaut (A value that is automatically entered in a field or control when you add a new record. You can either accept the default value or override it by typing a value)
default valuevaleur par défaut (A value that is automatically entered in a field or control when you add a new record. You can either accept the default value or override it by typing a value)
DWORD valuevaleur DWORD (The value that is applied to a specific DWORD)
earned valuevaleur acquise (A measure of the cost of work performed up to the status date or current date. Earned value uses your original cost estimates saved with a baseline and your actual work to date to show whether the actual costs incurred are on budget)
earned value analysisanalyse de la valeur acquise (A method for determining project performance which involves comparing the value of the work that was planned with the budgeted cost of the work performed to date, with what was actually spent. These comparisons provide invaluable information about actual conditions within the project and trends that may be developing in terms of schedule and cost performance)
Edit Field Value ListsModifier les listes de valeurs de champs (A list, accessed on the Business Contact Manager menu, in which the user can manage the format and content of user-defined field values)
error valuevaleur d'erreur (A value shown in Excel when there is an error in a formula, for example VALUE! or REF!)
field valuevaleur de champ (The contents of a database field displayed inside a database results region, as shown in a Web browser)
financial dimension valuevaleur de dimension financière (A data element in the domain of a financial dimension)
financial dimension value constraintcontrainte de valeur de dimension financière (A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations)
fixed valuevaleur fixe (A user-entered value or value from a static source that does not change unless manually altered by the user)
Grade Valuesvaleurs des notes (An assignment property that indicates whether grades for the assignment are numeric or non-numeric)
hexadecimal valuevaleur hexadécimale (A value that follows a format of 4 channels--including an alpha channel--and is composed in the following format: AARRGGBB. Hex is commonly used for Web and screen design as many browsers render colors based upon hex values)
hexadecimal valuevaleur hexadécimale (A value that follows a format of 4 channels--including an alpha channel--and is composed in the following format: AARRGGBB. Hex is commonly used for Web and screen design as many browsers render colors based upon hex values)
high-precision currency valuevaleur de devise haute précision (A currency value represented as a 64-bit integer)
Insert Values queryrequête Insert Values (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new row and inserts values into specified columns)
key-value pairpaire clé-valeur (A set of data items that contains a unique identifier, called a key, and a value that is the actual data for the key)
low-value assetimmobilisation de faible valeur (In Australia, a depreciating asset that is not a low-cost asset but which has an opening net book value less than $1,000 (as of July 1 in the year that it is allocated to the pool), and for which the organization has previously worked out any deduction using the reducing balance depreciation method)
low-value pool depreciationamortissement de regroupement de faible valeur (In Australia, a fixed-asset depreciation method. Depreciation is calculated as the sum of low-cost assets (acquisitions) added to the pool in the current fiscal year + second element costs (acquisition adjustments) added in the current fiscal year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage first-year rate regardless of when they were acquired in the year) + low-value assets added to the pool in the current fiscal year + closing net book value from the previous year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage rate))
median valuevaleur médiane (The middle value in a set of ordered numbers. The median value is determined by choosing the smallest value such that at least half of the values in the set are no greater than the chosen value. If the number of values within the set is odd, the median value corresponds to a single value. If the number of values within the set is even, the median value corresponds to the sum of the two middle values divided by two)
name/value pairpaire nom/valeur (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
name-value pairpaire nom-valeur (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
net book valuevaleur nette (The value of a fixed asset calculated as the difference between the original cost of the fixed asset minus its accumulated depreciations)
normalized valuevaleur normalisée (A value calculated by dividing the actual value by the weighted target value)
property valuevaleur de propriété (A specific characteristic or parameter that defines a property. For example, property values of a specific Microsoft Word document could include Size = 10,000 bytes, Created = Jan 2, 1999, and Characters = 5,250)
RGB valuevaleur RVB (A value returned by the RGB function; specifies a color as a combination of red, green, and blue values as integers from 0 (zero) through 255)
R-squared valuecoefficient de détermination (A number from 0 to 1 that reveals how closely the estimated values for the trendline correspond to your actual data. A trendline is most reliable when its R-squared value is at or near 1)
salvage valuevaleur résiduelle (The expected cash value of the asset at the end of its useful life)
salvage valuevaleur résiduelle (The expected cash value of the asset at the end of its useful life)
scrap valuevaleur de mise au rebut (The expected cash value of the asset at the end of its useful life)
status message property valuevaleur de propriété de message d'état (An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component that generates the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when you are querying, finding, and filtering)
tagged valuevaleur marquée (A keyword-value pair that can be attached to any model element. The keyword is called a tag, and it represents a property applicable to one or many elements. Both the keyword and the value are strings)
target valuevaleur cible (As one aspect of a KPI, the desired level of performance with respect to a specific business goal or strategy. Actual values are evaluated against the target to determine KPI score and status)
threshold valuevaleur seuil (A limit against which other values can be compared. When a value crosses this limit, it can trigger an alert or other action)
threshold valuevaleur seuil (A limit against which other values can be compared. When a value crosses this limit, it can trigger an alert or other action)
time valuevaleur de temps (The number of minutes, hours, days, etc)
transaction valuevaleur de transaction (The value assigned to a financial exchange, such as the cost of an expense or an amount of income)
Type, Length, ValueType-Longueur-Valeur (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
Type-Length-ValueType-Longueur-Valeur (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
value-added networkréseau à valeur ajoutée (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
value-added resellerrevendeur informatique (A company that adds features or customizations to an existing product and then re-sells that product to a customer)
value-added taxtaxe sur la valeur ajoutée (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
value axisaxe des ordonnées (A chart axis that displays scaled numerical values)
value converterconvertisseur de valeurs (A class that is used to convert values from one type to another. Useful when data binding when the source and target properties have mismatching types)
value expressionexpression de valeur (An expression in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) that returns a value. Value expressions can operate on sets, tuples, members, levels, numbers, or strings)
value mappingmise en correspondance des valeurs (The translation of field data values based on business rules)
value modelmodèle de valeur (A method of changing the monetary value of a fixed asset over time for different purposes, such as accounting depreciation, tax depreciation, revaluation, and disposal)
value streamchaîne de valeur (An operating unit that controls one or more production flows)
value substitutionremplacement de la valeur (A string substitution performed on XML elements as a document passes through the pipeline)
value typetype valeur (A data type that is represented by the type's actual value. If a value type is assigned to a variable, that variable is given a fresh copy of the value. (This is in contrast to a reference type, where assignment does not create a copy) Value types are usually created on a method's stack frame, rather than in the garbage-collected heap. A value type can be boxed, which is a process that creates a corresponding reference type)
volume-leveling valueniveau d'égalisation du volume (A value that is included with Windows Media Format (WMF) or MP3 format files that allows volume leveling to work)
zero valuevaleur zéro (A value equal to 0 (zero))