
Terms for subject Taxes containing Uniform | all forms | exact matches only
compensating products of uniform qualityproduits compensateurs de qualité constante
definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added taxrégime uniforme définitif de perception des ressources propres provenant de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
goods of substantially uniform characteristicsmarchandises de caractéristiques sensiblement constantes
uniform basebase d'imposition uniforme
uniform baseassiette uniforme
uniform base on which the tax could be imposedassiette uniforme
uniform base on which the tax could be imposedbase d'imposition uniforme
uniform basis of assessmentbase d'imposition uniforme
uniform call-in ratetaux d'appel uniforme
uniform ratetaux uniforme
uniform rate of calltaux d'appel uniforme
uniform tax baseassiette uniforme