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Terms for subject Medical containing The process of | all forms
abdominal process of the myotomeprolongement ventral du myotome
alogical disorder of the mental processtrouble alogique du cours de la pensée
anterior process of the calcaneus or heelapophyse antérieur du calcaneum (processus anterior calcanei)
basal processes of the pyramid cellsdendrites des cellules pyramidales
coronoid process of the mandibulaapophyse coronoïde du maxillaire inférieur (processus muscularis)
coronoid process of the ulnaapophyse coronoïde du cubitus
costal process of the lumbar vertebraeapophyse costiforme (processus costarius vertebrarum lumbalium)
defect of the alveolar processdéfauts du rebord alvéolaire
digital fossa of the mastoid processrainure digastrique
digital fossa of the mastoid processgouttière digastrique
dynamics of the mental processtempérament cérébral
facet of the odontoid processfacette articulaire de l'atlas (pour l'apophyse odontoïde; fovea dentis)
fracture of the coronoid processfracture de l'apophyse coronoide
fracture of the coronoid processfracture du coroné
inhibition of the mental processinhibition de la pensée
jugular process of the occipital boneapophyse jugulaire
lacrimal process of the inferior nasal conchaapophyse lacrymale du cornet inférieur (processus lacrimalis conchae nasalis inferioris)
material disorder of the mental processtrouble du contenu de la pensée
muscular process of the arytenoid cartilageapophyse musculaire du cartilage aryténoïde
palpebral process of the lacrimal glandsportion palpébrale de la glande lacrymale (pars palpebralis glandulae lacrimalis)
process of sexual differentiation in the human beingprocessus de différentiation sexuelle chez l'homme
sphenoidal process of the palatine boneapophyse sphenoïdale du palatin (processus sphenoidalis ossis palatini)
superior articular process of the sacrumapophyse articulaire du sacrum (processus articularis superior ossis sacri)
temporal process of the zygomatic boneapophyse temporale de l'os malaire
vocal process of the arytenoid cartilageapophyse vocale du cartilage aryténoïde
zygomatic process of the frontal boneprocessus zygomatique du frontal (processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis)
zygomatic process of the frontal boneapophyse orbitaire externe (processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis)
zygomatic process of the maxillaapophyse pyramidale du maxillaire supérieur
zygomatic process of the temporal boneapophyse zygomatique (processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis)