
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Smart | all forms | exact matches only
Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Providerfournisseur de services de chiffrement de base pour cartes à puce Microsoft (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
Base Smart Card CSPCSP de base pour cartes à puce (The basic software module for by smart cards that performs cryptography and includes algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption)
MFC Smart Device DLL WizardAssistant DLL Smart Device MFC (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
smart cardcarte à puce (A plastic (credit card–sized or smaller) device with an embedded microprocessor and a small amount of storage that is used, with an access code, to enable certificate-based authentication. Smart cards securely store certificates, public and private keys, passwords, and other types of personal information)
smart card profileprofil de carte à puce (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) profile created when a request is performed using a profile template that only includes smart card-based certificate templates)
smart card readerlecteur de carte à puce (A device that is installed in computers to enable the use of smart cards for enhanced security features)
smart card unblockingdeblocage de carte à puce (The action of binding a smart card with administrative credentials to reset the the personal identification number (PIN) attempt counter)
Smart Device Connectivity APIAPI de connectivité Smart Device (An application programming interface that enables developers to establish a connection between a desktop computer and a device. This API enables developers to focus on creating remote tools, while it handles the details of device interconnectivity and transport mechanisms)
SMART errorerreur SMART (An error returned by the SMART test)
smart filefichier intelligent (A file that is only available when a device is connected to the Internet so that the file's data uses little space in the device's storage)
smart folderDossier virtuel (In the Macintosh environment, a virtual folder that displays items based on specified search criteria)
smart hosthôte actif (A designated server through which Exchange routes all outgoing messages. The smart host then makes the remote connection. If a smart host is designated, the Exchange server only needs to transmit to the smart host, instead of repeatedly contacting the domain until a connection is made)
smart indentretrait intelligent (An indent that is applied based on smart indenting rules for the language in which you are programming)
smart linkliaison intelligente (The connection between two activities in a runbook)
Smart MenusMenus intelligents (A feature of Windows Live Toolbar that provides additional information for particular kinds of text someone selects)
Smart PagingPagination intelligente (Functionality within the Dynamic Memory feature of Hyper-V that uses disk resources as additional, temporary memory when more memory is required to restart a virtual machine than what is physically available on the host)
smart phonesmartphone (A wireless, mobile device that combines platform software, a browser, a modern chipset, and a telephone handset)
smart roundingarrondi intelligent (A marketing practice to use odd numbers that are marginally less than their nearest round number to set prices)
SMART systemsystème SMART (A system by which technology is used to monitor and predict device performance and reliability. A SMART system employs various diagnostic tests to detect problems with devices, with the object of increasing productivity and protecting data)
Smart TaskTâche guidée (A small panel that is attached to the upper right-hand corner of a .NET control. When the panel is opened, it contains checkboxes and combo boxes that enables developers to select connectivity and other options for the control)
temporary smart cardcarte à puce temporaire (A non-permanent smart card issued to a user for replacement of a lost smart card or to a user that requires access for a limited time)
Virtual Smart CardCarte à puce virtuelle (The ability for some devices to act like physical smart cards even if they aren't)