
Terms containing Service Order | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
market.advice of service order changesavis de modification de commande
mil., logist.combat service support orderordre administratif et logistique
gen.draft order for military serviceconscription
gen.draft order for military serviceappel sous les drapeaux
gen.Health and Personal Social Services Northern Ireland Order 1972Règlement relatif aux soins de santé et aux services sociaux personnels Irlande du Nord 1972
law, social.sc., health.Health and Personal Social Services Northern Ireland Orderrèglement relatif aux soins de santé et aux services sociaux personnels
patents.money order servicesservices de mandats
econ., mater.sc.order for official company servicecommande de téléphone pour le personnel
IT, geogr.order handling serviceservice de gestion des commandes
tab.tenn.order of serviceordre de service
gen.Public Order and Safety Servicesservices d'ordre public et de sécurité
comp., MS, Canadaservice ordercommande de service (A response to a customer request for service or an order that is automatically generated at set intervals specified by the terms of a service contract)
commun.service orderordre de service
comp., MSservice orderordre de service (A request for a single service visit by one or more service technicians)
comp., MSservice ordercommande service (A response to a customer request for service or an order that is automatically generated at set intervals specified by the terms of a service contract)
comp., MS, Canadaservice order lineligne de commande de service (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
comp., MSservice order lineligne commande service (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
comp., MSservice order lineligne d'ordre de service (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
econ., commun.service order performanceefficacité dans l'établissement des commandes
econ., commun.service order qualityexactitude des commandes
commun., lab.law.service order writerpréposé à la transcription des commandes
econ., mater.sc.service order writingtranscription des commandes
commun.special service ordercommande de service spécial
IT, geogr.standing order serviceservice de commande en attente
econ.the person providing a service may, in order to do sole prestataire peut,pour l'exécution de sa prestation
commun.uniform service order codecode type pour la facturation des services
law, commun.uniform service order codingcode de commande normalisée USOC
law, commun.universal service ordercommande normalisée USO
law, commun.universal system service ordercommande normalisée USSO