
Terms for subject Industry containing SELF | all forms | exact matches only
average self-twistself-twist moyen
average self-twistauto-torsion moyenne
cotton polyester with self-colour designarmuré polyester coton
EEC-self certificationautocertification CEE
EEC self-certificationautocertification CEE
EEC self-certification markmarque d'autocertification CEE
EEC self-issued certificateautocertificat CEE
International Federation of Self-Generating Industrial Users of ElectricityFédération internationale des producteurs auto-consommateurs industriels d'électricité
jewelled or self-lubricating bush forchaton empierré ou autolubrifiant
notification of EEC self-certificationnotification d'autocertification CEE
pressure-sensitive self-adhesive layercouche auto-adhésive sensible à la pression
self-adhesive nail covercouvre-clous adhésif
self-adhesive paperpapier auto-collant
self-adhesive paperpapier auto-adhesif
self-adhesive ribbonruban auto-agrippant
self-adhesive stickerautocollant
self-adhesive stripbande autocollante à usage d'adhésif
self-adhesive taperuban adhésif
self assembling propertypropriété d'auto-assemblage
self-closing bag carrierpince auto-serrante
Self Compacting Concretebéton auto-compactant
Self Compacting Concretebéton auto-plaçant
Self Compacting ConcreteBAP
self-contained covercouverture à même
self-contained covercouverture intégrale
self-contained drivecommande directe
self-copy paperpapier autocalquant
self-copy paperpapier pour duplication
self-copy paperautoscript
self-copying paperpapier autocopiant
self-copying paperpapier pour duplication
self-copying paperpapier autocalquant
self-copying paperautoscript
self covercouverture à même
self covercouverture intégrale
self-drilling anchorboltboulon d'ancrage perceur
self-employed craft sectorartisanat
self-help dwellinglogement construit par l'habitant
self-help dwellinglogement auto-assisté
self-induced air burnerbrûleur à induction d'air
self-loading scraperdécapeuse avec autochargeur
self-loading trailerremorque autochargeuse
self-lubricating carboncarbone autolubrifiant
self-lubricating spinning and twisting ringanneau auto-graisseur pour continus à filer ou retordre
self-propelled seagoing vesselnavire de mer autopropulsé
self-propelled unitengin automoteur
self-raising gantryportique auto-levable
self-reinforcing rubbercaoutchouc d'autorenforcement
self sealing coke oven doorporte auto-lutante du four à coke
self-sharpeningrhabillage automatique
self-shining emulsionémulsion auto-lustrante
self tapping screwvis Parker
self-twist twisted yarnfil à autotorsion retordu
self-twist twisted yarnfil self-twist retordu
self-twist yarnfil self-twist
self-twist yarnfil autotordu
self-twist yarn productionproduction de fil par auto-torsion
self-unloading trailerremorque autodéchargeuse
self-vulcanising rubbercaoutchouc autovulcanisant
self-winding mechanismremontage automatique
self-winding watchmontre à remontage automatique
self wrappercouverture à même
self wrappercouverture intégrale
special dial for self-recording instrumentspapier quadrillé en feuilles pour appareils enregistreurs