
Terms for subject General containing Rice | all forms | exact matches only
boiled chicken with ricepoule au riz
botan riceriz gluant
brown riceriz complet
Cantonese riceriz cantonnais
Creole riceriz créole
during the monsoon the rice paddies fill to overflowing with waterau moment de la mousson, les rizières se gorgent d'eau
special fried riceriz cantonais
International Rice Research InstituteInstitut international de recherches sur le riz
Japanese riceriz gluant
long grain riceriz à long grain
long grain riceriz long
long-grain riceriz long
milled ricecéréales usinées
mochi riceriz gluant
non-stick riceriz incollable
pearl riceriz gluant
people from Asia are big rice-eatersles Asiatiques sont de gros mangeurs de riz
people from Asia eat a lot of riceles Asiatiques sont de gros mangeurs de riz
pilaff riceriz pilaf
pudding riceriz rond
raw riceriz brut
rice floursemoule de riz
rice? here you are!en voilà : du riz? en voilà!
rice? here you are you are!du riz? en voici!
rice? here you there you are!du riz? en voici!
rice in the huskriz non décortiqué
rice meal for foragefarine de riz fourrage
rice-milk blendmélange riz-lait
rice paperpapier de riz (A non-fibrous, delicate paper made from the pith of a small tree found in Asia)
rice paperpapier de Chine (A non-fibrous, delicate paper made from the pith of a small tree found in Asia)
rice puddinggâteau de riz
rice? there you are!en voilà : du riz? en voilà!
semi-long grain riceriz demi-long
short grain riceriz à grain court
short-grain riceriz court
sticky riceriz gluant
sushi riceriz gluant
sweet riceriz gluant
terraced rice fieldsrizières en terrasse
the rice has stuckle riz a attaché
there are many ways of preparing riceil y a différentes manières d'accommoder le riz
waxy riceriz gluant