
Terms for subject Education containing Post | all forms | exact matches only
Crown teaching postchargé de cours
to decompartmentalize access to the management postsdécloisonner l'accès aux emplois de direction
educational establishment of post-secondary levelinstitut d'enseignement post-scolaire
Fund for the Improvement of Post-secondary Educationfonds pour l'amélioration de l'enseignement post-secondaire
limited possibilities of post-secondary education and a long tradition of students receiving this education abroadpossibilités limitées d'enseignement postsecondaire et longue tradition d'études à l'étranger
post-compulsory educationscolarité postobligatoire
post-compulsory educationéducation postobligatoire
post-compulsory educationenseignement postobligatoire
post compulsory educationenseignement postobligatoire
post-compulsory education and trainingéducation et formation post-scolaires
post-compulsory periodpériode de formation non obligatoire
post-doc grant-holderboursier postdoctorant
post-doc grant-holderboursier post-doctorant
post-doctoral fellowboursier post-doctoral
post-doctoral fellowshipbourse postdoctorale
post-doctoral fellowshipbourse d'études post-doctorales
post-doctoral fellowshipbourse d'études au niveau post-doctorat
post-doctoral levelniveau post-doctoral
post-doctoral researchrecherche postdoctorale
post-doctoral researcherchercheur post-doctoral
post-educational training courseformation post-scolaire
post-educational training coursescours de formation postscolaire
post-gradétudiant au niveau de la maîtrise ou du doctorat
post-graduateétudiant au niveau de la maîtrise ou du doctorat
post-graduate coursescours de niveau postuniversitaire
post-graduate degreeDiplôme d'Études Supérieures Spécialisées
post-graduate diplomadiplôme post-universitaire
post-graduate diplomadiplôme de troisième cycle
post-graduate grant holderboursier doctorant
post-graduate leveltroisième cycle
post graduate studentétudiant du grade post-universitaire
post-graduate studiesétudes supérieures
post-graduate studieshautes études universitaires
post-graduate studiesétudes universitaires supérieures
post-graduate studiesétudes de haute spécialisation
post-graduate studiesenseignement supérieur
post-graduate studiesétudes postuniversitaires
post-graduate teacher training institutesIUFM
post-primary schoolétablissement d'enseignement post-primaire
post-school educationéducation postscolaire
post-school education institutionsétablissements d'éducation postscolaire
post-school opportunitiespossibilités après la scolarité
post-secondary coursecycle d'études postsecondaires
post-secondary educationenseignement postsecondaire
post secondary educationenseignement postsecondaire
post-secondary education and trainingformation postsecondaire
post-secondary institutioninstitut de formation post-secondaire
post-secondary non-tertiary educationenseignement postsecondaire hors tertiaire
post-secondary non-tertiary educationenseignement post-secondaire non supérieur
post-testquestionnaire de fin de cours
taking up of a postentrée en fonction
taking up of a postentrée en service
teacher in permanent postenseignant titularisé
young persons undergoing apprenticeships or post-educational training coursesjeunes en apprentissage ou en cours de formation post-scolaire