
Terms for subject Transport containing Obligations | all forms | exact matches only
maintenance of public service obligationsmaintien d'obligations de service public
obligation inherent in the concept of a public serviceservitude inhérente à la notion de service public
obligation to ensure continuous serviceobligation d'assurer la permanence des services
obligation to fix ratesobligation de respecter des tarifs, tarification obligatoire
obligation to fix ratesobligation de tarifer
obligation to give wayobligation d'attente
obligation to interlineobligation d'interligne
obligation to operateobligation d'exploiter
obligations attaching to exemptioncharges dont est assortie l'exemption
obligations inherent in the concept of a public serviceobligations inhérentes à la notion de service public
public service obligationobligations de service public
Regulation EC No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers' rights and obligationsRèglement CE No 1371/2007 du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 23 octobre 2007 sur les droits et obligations des voyageurs ferroviaires
tarif obligationobligation tarifaire
undefined contractual obligationssujétions
violation of fiduciary obligationsviolation des obligations fiduciaires