
Terms for subject Environment containing Load | all forms | exact matches only
atmospheric loadcharge de polluants atmosphériques
atmospheric loadcharge atmosphérique
bed load transporttransport des sédiments de lit
BOD loadcharge volumique
carbonaceous loadsteneur en matières carbonées
continuous load The amount or quantity of polluting material found in a transporting agent that flows at a steady rate, in contrast to a sudden or dramatic influxcharge continue
critical loadseuil critique
critical loadcharge critique
critical load The maximum load that a given system can tolerate before failingcharge critique
critical load of nutrient nitrogencharge critique d'azote nutritif
critical loads and levelscharges et niveaux critiques
engine load conditionsconditions de charge du moteur
environmental loadcharge environnementale
external loadcharge extérieure
fire load indexindice de risque pondéré
fresh load agglomeratecharge fraîche d'agglomération
heat loadcharge thermique
heat loadcharge calorifique
heat load planplan de protection contre la pollution thermique
heavy metal loadcharge en métaux lourds
heavy metal load The amount of stress put on an ecosystem by heavy metal pollution released into itcharge en métaux lourds
hydraulic loadcharge hydraulique
immission load The total amount of immissions introduced in a given environmentcharge d'immission
improvement in the combustion of petrol by means of a "stratified load"amélioration de la combustion de l'essence par "charge stratifiée"
installations ... whose maximum power does not exceed 1 kilowatt continuous thermic loadinstallations ... dont la puissance maximale ne dépasse pas 1 kW de durée permanente thermique
load bearing capacityportance
load bearing capacitytolérance de charge (eau
load bearing capacity The maximum load that a system can support before failingtolérance de charge (eau)
load calculation formfiche de calcul de charges
load of the influentvaleur à l'entrée
load per unit of masscharge massique
nutrient loadcharge nutritive
nutrient loadcharge en matières nutritives
organic biodegradable loadcharge organique biodégradable
organic loadcharge organique
organic loadcharge en matières organiques
organic waste loadcharge en polluants organiques
pollutant load The amount of polluting material that a transporting agent, such as a stream, a glacier, or the wind, is actually carrying at a given timecharge de polluant
pollutant loadcharge polluante
pollutant loadcharge de polluant
pollution loadcharge de pollution de l'eau
pollution load of watercharge de pollution de l'eau
pollution load The amount of stress placed upon an ecosystem by pollution, physical or chemical, released into it by man-made or natural meanscharge polluante
pollution loadcharge polluante
pollution loadcharge polluante de l'eau
pollution load capacity of watercapacité de charge des eaux par des polluants
pollutional loadcharge polluante
raw residual loadcharge résiduelle brute
salt loadcharge en sel
sediment loadcharge sédimentaire
silt loaddébit solide
specific pollution loadcharge polluante spécifique
sudden load Sudden immission in considerable amount of one or more pollutants in the atmosphere, in a water body or in the soilcharge impulsionnelle
sudden loadcharge impulsionnelle
thermal loadapport thermique
volume loadcharge volumique
waste water load The amount of spent or used water, often containing dissolved and suspended matter, that is found in a stream or some other body of watercharge en eaux usées
waste water loadcharge en eaux usées
waterborne waste loadcharge de déchets en suspension dans l'eau