
   English French
Terms for subject General containing Investigation of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
coordination of investigations and search operationscoordination des enquêtes et des recherches
degree of investigationdegré d'investigation
Directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such datadirective en matière de protection des données dans le domaine répressif
Federal Decree concerning the Historical and Legal Investigation into the Fate of Assets which reached Switzerland as the results of the National-Socialist RegimebAFR
Federal Decree concerning the historical and legal investigation of the fate of assets which found their way into Switzerland as a result of National Socialist dominationbAFR
he was the subject of an investigationil a fait l'objet d'une enquête
Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Communities concerning internal investigations by the European Anti-Fraud Office OLAFAccord interinstitutionnel entre le Parlement européen, le Conseil de l'Union européenne et la Commission des Communautés européennes relatif aux enquêtes internes effectuées par l'Office européen de lutte antifraude OLAF
investigation of granite formations at great depthinvestigation par forages profonds du granit
National Bureau of Investigationservices centraux de la police judiciaire
National Bureau of InvestigationPolice judiciaire centrale
obligation concerning the investigation of a complaintobligation en matière d'instruction de plainte
Office of Special InvestigationBureau des enquêtes spéciales
official means of investigationmoyens d'investigation officiels
results of the investigationrapport de la personne de confiance
support and co-ordination of ongoing investigationssoutien et coordination d'enquêtes en cours
the result of the investigation shows that...il résulte de l'enquête que...