
Terms for subject Health care containing Insurance | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of liability by the sickness insurance schemeprise en charge par le régime d'assurance maladie
Advisory Committee on the Implementation of Directive 89/105/EEC relating to the Transparency of Measures Regulating the Pricing of Medicinal Products for Human Use and their Inclusion in the Scope of National Health Insurance SystemsComité consultatif pour l'application de la directive 89/105/CEE concernant la transparence des mesures régissant la fixation des prix des médicaments à usage humain et leur inclusion dans le champ d'application des systèmes nationaux d'assurance maladie
Committee of Experts on the Use of Medical Examinations for Employment and Insurance PurposesComité d'experts sur la discrimination et la santé: recours à l'examen médical dans le domaine de l'emploi et des assurances
complementary health insuranceprotection complémentaire du risque maladie
compulsory health care insuranceassurance maladie obligatoire
contribution to health insurance fundcotisation à une caisse d'assurance maladie
Federation of public health insurance-contracted doctorsAssociation fédérale des médecins de caisse
French national collective agreement between self-employed physicians and Health InsuranceConvention nationale des médecins libéraux
Fund for Quality Insurance of Office-Based CareFonds d'amélioration pour la qualité des soins de ville
general or statutory health insurance schemerégime général d'assurance maladie
Group Health Dental InsuranceAssurance groupe-soins dentaires
health insurance companycompagnie d'assurance maladie
health insurance coveragecouverture maladie
health insurance legislationlégislation en matière d'assurance maladie
health insurance schemerégime d'assurance maladie
health insurance voucher planaide à la complémentaire santé
insurance and welfare institutionsinstitutions d'assurance et de prévoyance
insurance companysociété d'assurance (maladie)
insurance coveragetaux de couverture
Insurance Fund for Press EmployeesCaisse d'assurance des travailleurs de la presse
life insuranceassurance vie
Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutionsfédération des institutions autrichiennes d'assurances sociales
Management Committee of the Joint Sickness Insurance SchemeComité de gestion assurance-maladie
mandatory health care insuranceassurance maladie obligatoire
mutual insurancemutuelle
national celling for health insurance expenditureobjectif National de Dépenses d'Assurance Maladie
National Institution for Insurance against Accidents at WorkInstitut national d'assurance contre les accidents du travail
national insuranceassurance sociale
National Insurance Fund for Self-employed WorkerRégime social des Indépendants
private complementary insurancecouverture complémentaire privée (supplementary private insurance)
private health insurance companycompagnie d'assurance maladie privée
public health insuranceassurance-maladie publique
public health insuranceassurance publique
Regional Fund for Sickness Insurancecaisse régionale de maladie
social health insuranceassurance sociale maladie
Social Insurance Officecaisse d'assurance publique
Social Insurance Officebureau d'assurances sociales
statutory health care insuranceassurance maladie obligatoire
statutory health insurance schemerégime général
Supplementary Health InsuranceCouverture maladie universelle (Cmu)
supplementary private insurancecouverture complémentaire privée
voluntary health insuranceassurance volontaire
voluntary mutual sickness insurance contributioncotisation volontaire mutuelle
whole-life and disability insuranceassurance décès-invalidité