
Terms for subject Environment containing Food | all forms | exact matches only
adequate food supplyapprovisionnement alimentaire approprié
adequate food supply A quantity of nutriments that meets fundamental nutritional requirements and is provided to a person, group or community on a continuing basisapprovisionnement alimentaire approprié
adequate food supplyapprovisionnement alimentaire
air,water and food pollutionles pollutions atmosphériques,hydriques et alimentaires
basic food requirement The minimum nutriments deemed necessary for a person of a particular age, gender, physiological condition and activity level to sustain life, health and growthbesoins alimentaires de base
basic food requirementbesoins alimentaires de base
competition for foodcompétition alimentaire
concentration in the successive links in the food chainconcentration dans les maillons successifs de la chaîne alimentaire
concentration of pollutants in the food chainconcentration des polluants dans la chaîne alimentaire
convenience foodproduit alimentaire complexe
convenience food Food so prepared and presented as to be easily and quickly ready for consumptionproduit alimentaire complexe
Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food SecurityInitiative du Triangle de corail sur les récifs coralliens, les pêcheries et la sécurité alimentaire
Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food SecurityInitiative "Triangle de corail" sur les récifs coralliens, la pêche et la sécurité alimentaire
food additive Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualitiesadditifs alimentaires et colorants
food additiveadditifs alimentaires et colorants
food chainchaîne trophique
food chainréseau trophique
food chainchaîne nutritionnelle
food chain A sequence of organisms on successive trophic levels within a community, through which energy is transferred by feeding; energy enters the food chain during fixation by primary producers (mainly green plants) and passes to the herbivores (primary consumers) and then to the carnivores (secondary and tertiary consumers)chaîne alimentaire
food chainchaîne alimentaire
food colourant Any digestible substance, usually a synthetic dye, which manufacturers add to food to give it color and enhance its appearancecolorant alimentaire
food colourantcolorant alimentaire
food commerce An interchange of any food commodity or related food products, usually on a large scalecommerce d'alimentation
food contaminationcontamination des denrées alimentaires
food cyclecycle alimentaire
food cyclecycle d'alimentation
food hygiene That part of the science of hygiene that deals with the principles and methods of sanitation applied to the quality of foodstuffs, to their processing, preparation, conservation and consumption by manhygiène alimentaire
food industry The commercial production and packaging of foods that are fabricated by processing, by combining various ingredients, or bothindustrie alimentaire
food intakeprise des aliments
food intakeingestion
food interrelationsrapport alimentaire
food interrelationsrelation alimentaire
food irradiation The most recent addition to food preservation technologies is the use of ionizing radiation, which has some distinct advantages over conventional methods. With irradiation, foods can be treated after packaging, thus eliminating post-processing contamination. In addition, foods are preserved in a fresh state and can be kept longer without noticeable loss of quality. Food irradiation leaves no residues, and changes in nutritional value due to irradiation are comparable with those produced by other processes. Irradiation is the process of applying high energy to a material, such as food, to sterilize or extend its shelf-life by killing microorganisms, insects and other pests residing on it. Sources of ionizing radiation that have been used include gamma rays, electron beams and X-rays. Gamma rays are produced by radioactive isotopes such as Cobalt-60. Electron beams are produced by linear accelerators, which themselves are powered by electricity. The dose applied to a product is themost important factor of the process. At high doses, food is essentially sterilized, just as occurs in canning. Products so treated can be stored at room temperature almost indefinitely. Controversial and banned in some countriesirradiation des aliments
food monitoringcontrôle des aliments
food particleparticule nutritive
food particleparticule alimentaire
food plantplante nourricière
food plantplante nutritive
food plantplant alimentaire
food pollutant Potentially harmful substances in any food consumed by humans, or other animals, including inorganic and organic chemicals, viruses and bacteriacontaminant alimentaire
food pollutantcontaminant alimentaire
food pollutionpollution alimentaire
food preservationconservation des aliments
food preservation Processing designed to protect food from spoilage caused by microbes, enzymes, and autooxidationconservation des aliments
food processing industryindustrie alimentaire
food processing industry A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumptionindustrie alimentaire
food productionproduction vivrière
food production agricultureproduction alimentaire (agriculture
food production agriculture, No definition neededproduction alimentaire (agriculture)
food productivityproductivité des aliments
food protectionprotection des produits alimentaires
food qualityqualité des denrées alimentaires
food requirementbesoins alimentaires
food requirement The minimum food ration required for satisfying the essential needs of an organismbesoins alimentaires
food requirementsexigence nutritionelle
food requirementsbesoin alimentaire
food-rich depositdépôt à haute teneur en aliments
food science The applied science which deals with the chemical, biochemical, physical, physiochemical, and biological properties of foodsscience et technologie alimentaire
food scraprebut alimentaire
food selectionchoix de la nourriture
food storage Stock of food kept in storage as a national measure to provide security against fluctuations in food supplystockage des aliments
food supplyapport nutritif
food technology The application of science and engineering to the refining, manufacturing, and handling of foods; many food technologists are food scientists rather than engineerstechnologie alimentaire
food transporttransport alimentaire
food wastedéchets alimentaires
food wastedéchet de cuisine
food wastesdéchets alimentaires
food webchaîne nutritionnelle
food webréseau trophique
food webréseau alimentaire
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and AgriculturePlan d'action mondial pour la conservation et l'utilisation durable des ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
high protein foodalimentation riche en protéines
increasing animal food conversionaugmentation de l'indice de conversion des aliments pour animaux
infestation of foodinfestation des aliments et des récoltes
infestation of foodinfestation des aliments
infestation of food Food that has been contaminated and deteriorated by some kind of pestinfestation des aliments
ingestion of foodingestion
ingestion of foodprise des aliments
low energy footprint food systemsystème alimentaire à empreinte énergétique faible
monitoring of radioactive contamination of the food chainsurveillance de la contamination radioactive de la chaîne alimentaire
novel food genetically enginereed food; Genetically engineered foods. Novel foods, including those altered using biotechnology, should not differ "significantly" from the foods they are to replace. Labels should not be misleading, but must make clear any differences between the novel food and its "conventional" alternative, and must say how that difference was achieved. Foods containing a genetically modified living organism, such as a live yogurt made with an altered culture, would always be labelled. Any food whose modification might raise moral or health worries to consumers would also have to carry a label. This would include genes from an animal considered unclean by some religions, or from a plant that might cause allergic reactions. However, foods which, although made using novel methods, are identical to conventional foods, would not have to be labelledaliment nouveau
nutritive value of food The measure of the quantity or availability of nutrients found in materials ingested and utilized by humans or animals as a source of nutrition and energyvaleur nutritive
nutritive value of foodvaleur nutritive
overall food intakeapport alimentaire global
staple food The most commonly or regularly eaten food in a country or community and which forms the mainstay of the total calorie supply, especially in the poorer populations and at times of food shortagealiments de base
staple foodaliments de base
transfer coefficient in the food chaincoefficient de transfert dans la chaîne alimentaire
Waste from agricultural, horticultural, hunting, fishing and aquaculture primary production, food preparation and processingDéchets provenant de la production primaire de l'agriculture, de l'horticulture, de la chasse, de la pêche, de l'aquaculture, de la préparation et de la transformation des aliments
waste from agricultural, horticultural, hunting, fishing and aquaculture primary production, food preparation and processingdéchets provenant de la production primaire de l'agriculture,de l'horticulture,de la chasse,de la pêche,de l'aquaculture,de la préparation et de la transformation des aliments
wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, food preparation and processingdéchets provenant de la production primaire de l'agriculture,de l'horticulture,de la chasse,de la pêche,de l'aquaculture,de la préparation et de la transformation des aliments
wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origindéchets provenant de la préparation et de la transformation de la viande, des poissons et autres aliments d'origine animale
wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origindéchets provenant de la préparation et de la transformation de la viande,des poissons et autres aliments d'orgine animale
World Plan of Action for the conservation and sustainable use of phytogenetic resources for food and agriculturePlan d'action mondial pour la conservation et l'utilisation durable des ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture