
Terms for subject Geography containing Eastern | all forms | exact matches only
eastern AfricaAfrique orientale
eastern AfricaAfrique de l'Est
Eastern and Southern AfricaAfrique orientale et australe
Eastern CapeCap-Est
Eastern,Central and Southern African countriesAfrique orientale, centrale et australe
Eastern Central AtlanticAtlantique Centre-Est
Eastern Central PacificPacifique Centre-Est
Eastern Indian Oceanocéan Indien oriental
eastern MediterraneanMéditerranée orientale
Eastern Neighbourhoodvoisinage oriental
Eastern Republic of Uruguayla République orientale de l'Uruguay
Eastern SlavoniaSlavonie orientale
Eastern Standard Timeheure des Etats de la côte Est des Etats-Unis
south-eastern AsiaAsia du sud-est
South-Eastern EuropeEurope du sud-est
the countries of Central and Eastern Europepays d'Europe centrale et orientale