
Terms for subject Environment containing Continental | all forms | exact matches only
continental basementsocle continental
continental borderlandbordure continentale
continental climate A climate characterized by hot summers, cold winters, and little rainfall, typical of the interior of a continentclimat continental
continental land massmasse continentale
continental salt meadowpré-salé continental (Puccinellietalia distantis)
continental salt meadowsprés-salés continentaux
continental seamer continentale
continental shelf The gently sloping seabed of the shallow water nearest to a continent, covering about 45 miles from the shore and deepening over the sloping sea floor to an average depth of 400 ft. It continues until it reaches the continental slope. The continental shelf contains most of the important fishing grounds and a range of resources, including gas and oil, sand and gravel. However, the shelf is, in general, a structural extension of the continent, and so may also be a source of minerals found in that region, such as tin, gold and platinumplate-forme continentale
continental watereau continentale
foot of the continental slopepied du talus continental
outer edge of the continental marginrebord externe de la marge continentale
polar continentalair polaire continental
Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its SubsoilProtocole relatif à la protection de la mer Méditerranée contre la pollution résultant de l'exploration et de l'exploitation du plateau continental du fond de la mer et de son sous-sol
Sub-continental steppic grasslandformation herbeuse subcontinentale des steppes
tropical continentalair tropical continental