
Terms for subject Geography containing Coastal | all forms | exact matches only
coastal and riparian areazone côtière et riveraine
coastal areamilieu marin côtier
coastal areaszones côtières
coastal Cabo VerdeCabo Verde littoral
coastal countryÉtat riverain
coastal countrypays côtier
coastal countryÉtat côtier
coastal environmentmilieu côtier
coastal forest zonezone forestière cotière
coastal forest zonezone forestière littorale
coastal marine areazone côtière
coastal marine areanull
coastal marine areamilieu marin côtier
coastal marshmarais littoral
coastal populationpopulation du littoral
coastal Statepays côtier
Coastal StripBande Côtière
non-coastal StateÉtat non côtier
sea and coastal areaszones maritimes et côtières
sea and coastal areaszones côtières maritimes