
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Anonymous | all forms | exact matches only
anonymous allowed meetingréunion autorisant les participants anonymes (A meeting in which users without Active Directory credentials are allowed to attend so long as they have a valid conference key and pass Digest authentication)
anonymous bindingliaison anonyme (A way of binding to a directory where users can access only a limited area of the directory)
anonymous FTPFTP anonyme (A type of internet file transfer that allows user to access a remote computer without having to establish an account)
anonymous FTP authenticationauthentification FTP anonyme (A protocol that makes it possible for a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and other archived data from anywhere on the Internet without having to establish a logon name and password)
anonymous logonouverture de session anonyme (A user who has connected to the computer without supplying a user name and password)
anonymous methodméthode anonyme (A practical language construct that allows programmers to create code blocks that can be encapsulated in a delegate and executed at a later time. They are based on a language concept called a lambda function and are similar to those found in Lisp and Python)
anonymous replicaréplica anonyme (A special type of replica in which you don't keep track of individual users)
anonymous subscriptionabonnement anonyme (A type of pull subscription for which detailed information about the subscription and the Subscriber is not stored)
anonymous typetype anonyme (A class type whose name is generated by the compiler and that inherits directly from Object. Members of an anonymous type are properties that are inferred from the object initializer that creates instances of the type)
anonymous userutilisateur anonyme (A user who accesses content on a Web site without providing a user login name and password)
anonymous user accessaccès utilisateur anonyme (The ability to gain access to a Web server on which one does not have an account)