
Terms containing sign- in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.central signing-in registerläsnäolotietojen keskusrekisteri
comp., MSChange Sign-In Account...Vaihda kirjautumistiliä (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
comp., MSe-mail as sign in IDsähköpostiosoite kirjautumistunnuksena (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
commun., transp.in the clear signrajamerkki
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Sign InMicrosoft Online Services -palveluiden kirjautuminen (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Sign In ApplicationMicrosoft Online Services -palveluiden kirjautumissovellus (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In Add-OnMicrosoft Online Services -palveluiden kirjautumislisäosa (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantMicrosoft Online Services -palveluiden kirjautumisavustaja (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
comp., MSPIN sign-inPIN-tunnuksella kirjautuminen (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
comp., MSsign inkirjaudu sisään (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
comp., MSSign InKirjaudu sisään (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
comp., MSSign in asKirjaudu sisään tilassa (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
commun.sign on,check in,registersijainnin rekisteröinti
patents.sign used in the course of tradeliike-elämässä käytetty merkki
comp., MSsign-intunnistetiedot (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
comp., MSsign-in allowed userskäyttäjät, joiden kirjautuminen on sallittu (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in privileges allowed. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
comp., MSsign-in blocked userskäyttäjät, joiden kirjautuminen on estetty (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in priveleges blocked. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
comp., MSsign-in infokirjautumistiedot (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
comp., MSsign-in informationkirjautumistiedot (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
ITsign-in namekäyttäjätunnus
comp., MSsign-in namekirjautumisnimi (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
comp., MSWindows Live Sign-in AssistantWindows Liven kirjautumisavustaja (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)