
Terms for subject Environment containing region | all forms | exact matches only
Action by the Community for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterranean RegionVälimeren rannikkoalueiden ja -vesien suojelun tukijärjestelmä
Agreement on a Testing Ground for Application of the Kyoto Mechanisms on Energy Projects in the Baltic Sea Regionsopimus koealueesta Kioton mekanismien soveltamiseksi energiahankkeissa Itämeren alueella
Antarctic region An area within the Antarctic Circle that includes the fifth largest continent and its surrounding waters, consisting mostly of thick ice shelvesantarktinen alue
Antarctic regionantarktinen alue
Arctic region The northernmost area of the earth, centered on the North Pole, that includes the Arctic Ocean, the northern reaches of Canada, Alaska, Russia, Norway and most of Greenland, Iceland and Svalbardarktinen alue
Arctic regionarktinen alue
biogeographical region Area of the Earth's surface defined by the species of fauna and flora it containseliömaantieteelliset alueet
biogeographical regionluonnonmaantieteellinen alue
biogeographical regionseliömaantieteelliset alueet
climatic regionilmasto-olot
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the MediterraneanBarcelonan yleissopimus
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterraneanyleissopimus Välimeren merellisen ympäristön ja rannikkoalueiden suojelemisesta
economic region A district or an administrative division of a city or territory that is designed according to some material, distributive or productive criteriatalousmaakunta
economic regiontalousmaakunta
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea RegionItämeren aluetta koskeva strategia
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea RegionItämeri-strategia
Eurobaltic programme for civil protection cooperation in the Baltic and Barents regionEurobaltic-ohjelma pelastuspalvelun alalla Itämeren ja Barentsinmeren alueella
Great Lakes RegionAfrikan suurten järvien alue
inflow regionsisäänvirtausalue
integrated development of coastal regionsrannikkoalueiden yhtenäinen suunnittelu
Macaronesian regionMakronesian vyöhyke
outflow regionulosvirtausalue
polar region Area relating to the earth's poles or the area inside the Arctic or Antarctic Circlesnapaseutu
Visions and Strategies for the Baltic Sea Region VASABItämeren alueen kehittämisvisio
western palearctic regionläntinen palearktinen alue