
Terms for subject Environment containing recovery | all forms | exact matches only
CFC recoveryfreonien paluu perustilaan
CFC recoveryfreonien hyväksikäyttö
chlorofluorocarbon recoveryfreonien paluu perustilaan
chlorofluorocarbon recoveryfreonien hyväksikäyttö
cost recovery basis A standard used to provide reimbursement to individuals or organizations for any incurred expense or provided servicekustannusvastaavuusperuste
cost recovery basiskustannusvastaavuusperuste
ecological recoveryekologisen tasapainon saavuttaminen
energy recoveryenergian hyödyntäminen
energy recoveryenergiakäyttö, jätteiden energiakäyttö
energy recoveryenergiakäyttö
energy recovery A form of resource recovery in which the organic fraction of waste is converted to some form of usable energy. Recovery may be achieved through the combustion of processed or raw refuse to produce steam through the pyrolysis of refuse to produce oil or gas; and through the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes to produce methane gasjätteiden energiakäyttö
energy recoveryenergiahyötykäyttö
European Recovery ProgrammeEuroopan talouden elvytysohjelma
natural recoveryluonnollinen palautuminen
oil recovery vessel Boats used for recovering oil spilled at sea from oil tankers. The recommended procedure is to contain and physically recover the spill with or without the use of adsorbents. This approach entails three processes: 1. confinement of the spill by spill booms; 2. recovery of the spill by sorbing agents; 3. physical removal of the contained oil by oil pick-up devicesöljynkeruualus
oil recovery vesselöljynkeruualus
oil recovery vesselöljyntorjuntavene
petrol vapour recoverybensiinihöyryjen talteenotto
rate of recoveryhyödyntämisen taso
recovery of landscape Reclamation measures taken to restore the environmental quality level of a landscape to its predisturbed conditionmaiseman elpyminen
recovery of landscapemaiseman elpyminen
recovery plan A formulated or systematic method for the restoration of natural resources or the reuse of materials and objectselvytyssuunnitelma
recovery planelvytyssuunnitelma
recovery systemhyödyntämisjärjestelmä
resource recoveryjätteiden hyväksikäyttö
solid urban waste recoverykiinteän yhteiskuntajätteen talteenotto
solvent recovery Solvent recovery is a widely practised form of recycling where spent solvents are distilled and reused. However, the cheaper solvents are often incinerated or dumped in hazardous waste landfill siteshaihtuvien liuottimien talteenotto
solvent recoveryhaihtuvien liuottimien talteenotto
sulfur recovery plantrikkihappotehdas
toxic and dangerous waste recoveryongelmajätteiden talteenotto
vapour recovery system Gas feedback device: while refuelling gasoline vapors are sucked off and led back again into the storage tankpakokaasun kierrätys
vapour recovery systempakokaasun kierrätys
vapour recovery unithöyryn talteenottoyksikkö
waste destined for recoveryhyödynnettäviksi tarkoitetut jätteet
waste recoveryjätteiden hyötykäyttö
waste recovery The process of obtaining materials or energy resources from wastejätteiden hyötykäyttö
water recoverykäytetyn veden hyödyksikäyttö