
Terms containing console | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAdministration ConsoleHallintakonsoli (A thin client that allows members of the global administrator role to make configurations to any computer that is running PerformancePoint Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, adding users to PerformancePoint Planning Server applications, and adding users to or removing users from the global administrator role, the Modeler role, or the user administrator role)
commun.attendant consolevälityspuhelin
comp., MSattendant consolepuhelinvaihdekonsoli (A console for call handling)
commun., ITattendant hotel/motel consolevälittäjän hotelli/motelli-pöytä
commun., ITattendant supervisory consolevälittäjän valvontapöytä
commun., ITattendant's consolevälityspöytä
commun., ITattendant's consolevälittäjän pöytä
commun., ITattendant's consolepuhelunvälittäjän konsoli
ITauxiliary consoleapukonsoli
commun., ITblind attendant consolenäkövammaisen välittäjän konsoli
ITcommand consolerobotin ohjausjärjestelmä
ITcommand consolerobotin ohjain
IT, dat.proc.console controlvalvontapöytä
IT, dat.proc.console controlvalvontakonsoli
IT, dat.proc.console controlohjauspöytä
ITconsole debuggingkonsolitestaus
commun., ITconsole direct trunk group selectionsuora kaukojohtoryhmän valinta välityspöydästä
ITconsole interface cardpääteliitäntäkortti
commun., ITconsole-less operationtoiminta ilman välityspaikkaa
commun., ITconsole manual line servicevälittäjän hälytys nostamalla alaliittymän luuri
ITconsole operatorkonsolioperaattori
transp.console panelulokkeellinen ohjaustaulu
IT, dat.proc.console printerohjauspöytäkirjoitin
IT, dat.proc.console printerkonsolikirjoitin
comp., MSconsole rootpääkonsoli (The top node in an MMC saved view (.msc file))
commun., ITconsole statusohjauspäätteen tila
commun., ITconsole statuskonsolin tila
comp., MSconsole treekonsolipuu (The left pane in Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that displays the items contained in the console. The items in the console tree and their hierarchical organization determine the capabilities of a console)
ITconsole typewriterohjauskirjoitin
mech.eng.control consoleohjauspöytä
el.control consoleohjauspulpetti
transp.control console supportohjauspöydän tuki
patents.control consolesohjauskonsolit
ITdiagnostic operator's consoletarkastuskonsoli
ITdisplay consolenäyttöpääte
comp., MSempty console start pagekonsolilaajennuksen tyhjä aloitussivu (The start page that appears when no snap-ins have been added to a snap-in console (.msc file))
comp., MSExchange Management ConsoleExchange-hallintakonsoli (The Exchange 2007 graphical user interface (GUI) from which administrators can perform tasks to configure and manage Exchange servers. The Exchange Management Console is based on Windows Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0)
transp., chem.filling consoletankkauksen ohjaustaulu
transp., mech.eng.firing consolelaukaisun ohjauspöytä
hobby, commun., ITgame consolepelikonsoli
hobby, commun., ITgaming consolepelikonsoli
comp., MSGroup Policy Management Consoleryhmäkäytäntöjen hallintakonsoli (An administrative tool used to manage and edit domain-based Group Policy objects)
transp.gunner's control console supportampujan ohjauspöydän tuki
commun.key-per-trunk consolekaukopuhelujen välityspaneeli
astronaut., transp.launch center simulation consolelaukaisukeskuksen simulointipöytä
astronaut., transp.launch centre simulation consolelaukaisukeskuksen simulointipöytä
el.lighting consolevalaistuskonsoli
comp., MSLive Meeting consoleLive Meeting -konsoli (The array of windows and tools that display on each participant's web browser when a Live Meeting session is in progress)
comp., MSmanagement consolehallintakonsoli (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
commun., ITmanual console onlymanuaalivaihde
commun., ITmanual console onlykäsivälitteinen vaihde
transp., mech.eng.manual launch vehicle consolelaukaisun käsinohjauspöytä
ITmaster consolepääkonsoli
ITmicrocomputer operating consolemikrotietokoneen käyttökonsoli
commun.mixing consoleäänipöytä
commun.mixing consolesekoituspöytä
ITmovement control consoleliikeohjauskonsoli
commun., ITmultiple console operationmonen välityspaikan käyttö
commun., IToperator's consolepuhelunvälittäjän konsoli
commun., IToperator's consolevälityspöytä
commun., IToperator's consolevälittäjän pöytä
comp., MSPage Performance ConsoleSivun suorituskykykonsoli (A troubleshooting tool used for per-page performance testing)
transp., avia.payload consolehyötykuormakonsoli
comp., MSPerformancePoint Planning Administration ConsolePerformancePointin suunnittelun hallintakonsoli (A thin client that allows members of the global administrator role to make configurations to any computer that is running PerformancePoint Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, adding users to PerformancePoint Planning Server applications, and adding users to or removing users from the global administrator role, the Modeler role, or the user administrator role)
comp., MSPlanning Administration ConsoleSuunnittelun hallintakonsoli (A thin client that allows members of the global administrator role to make configurations to any computer that is running PerformancePoint Planning Server. Configurations include creating and editing applications, creating and editing model sites, adding users to PerformancePoint Planning Server applications, and adding users to or removing users from the global administrator role, the Modeler role, or the user administrator role)
ed.play consolepelikonsoli
IT, el.rack console positioning card 2telinekonsolin paikannuskortti 2
comp., MSRecovery Consolepalautuskonsoli (A command-line interface that provides a limited set of administrative commands that are useful for repairing a computer)
comp., MSService Manager consoleService Manager -konsoli (The console that is used by help desk analysts and administrators for help desk functions such as change, incident, problem, and configuration management)
comp., MSService Manager consolepalveluiden hallinnan konsoli (The console that is used by help desk analysts and administrators for help desk functions such as change, incident, problem, and configuration management)
astronaut., transp.side consolesivukonsoli
comp., MSsnap-in console start pagekonsolilaajennuksen aloitussivu (The start page that appears in the results pane when the snap-in console root node is selected in the tree)
comp., MSSNMP Management ConsoleSNMP-hallintakonsoli (The interface through which a manager, either a user or a program, performs management activities)
commun.switched-loop consolesilmukkakytkentäinen paneeli
transp., mech.eng.system consolejärjestelmän käyttöpöytä
transp.team leader consoleryhmänjohtajan ohjauspöytä
ITteller consolekassapääte
comp., MSTransporter Management ConsoleTransporter-hallintakonsoli (The snap-in for Microsoft Management Console that installs with the Microsoft Transporter Suite)
hobby, commun., ITvideo game consolepelikonsoli
comp., MSWindows Assessment ConsoleWindowsin arviointikonsoli (A tool in the Windows ADK that uses assessments to create jobs that evaluate quality and view the results after a job runs. The Windows AC can also package a job and other necessary files, save the files in a folder that contains an executable file, move the job to another computer, and then run the job on the new computer)
comp., MSWindows Performance Diagnostic ConsoleWindowsin suorituskyvyn diagnostiikkakonsoli (A tool used in computer management to monitor the devices or processes on user's system)